Friday 30 March 2012

Weigh-In Week 59/60

Week 59 - GAINED 7.5 lbs
Week 60 - Lost 13.5 lbs

No awards this week.

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 17 stone 4 pounds (242 lbs / 109.77 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)

3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (Achieved this 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 29/03/2012)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 30/06/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Oct11 (5wks): 6.50 lbs (2.95 kg)
Nov11 (4wks): 13 lbs (5.90 kg)
Dec11 (5wks): 3 lbs (1.36 kg) GAIN
Jan12 (4wks): 19 lbs (8.62 kg)
Feb12 (4wks): 7 lbs (3.18 kg) GAIN
Week 56: 3 lbs (1.36 kg) GAIN
Week 57: 2.5 lbs (1.23 kg)
Week 58: 2.5 lbs (1.23 kg)
Week 59: 7.5 lbs (3.40 kg) GAIN
Week 60: 13.5 lbs (6.12 kg)

Yip it really was a 13.5lbs (6.12 kg) loss this week! But, I did put on 7.5 lbs (3.40 kg) last week which was caused by Water Retention, Congestion (from my cold), Constipation and very little exercise last week. In stark contrast to this week where there is No Water Retention, Constipation, I'm over my cold and not only have I been exercising, but I did do a Duathlon on Saturday which must have nuked a good few lbs/kg! :)

Speaking of my Duathlon, ;) I rocked! I commited to this Duathlon about 4 or 5 months ago and have never done anything like it before. I knew I would be able to run 10km and cycle 40km, but never tried both as part of the same activity. Initially I set a simple goal to just FINISH. Then I thought about the last event I entered, a 5km run and remembered how I was not only last but the person in front of me finished in about 30 min and I came rolling in at 46 min! :s It was so embarrassing! So I set myself a secondary goal to NOT BE LAST! Then closer to the date I started thinking about times, and figured at my fast pace I should be able to finish the entire thing in 3 hours so set it as my Third Goal. So I looked up the previous years results and saw that the last people to get in were finishing in about 3 hours. :S It was going to be a struggle to achieve the second goal and I may have to do better than the 3rd goal to achieve it!
Goal1: Finish = Check!
Goal2: Not Last = Check!
Goal3: < 3hrs = Check! (2:56:06)

Positives and Negatives of the last two weeks:
+ Amazed at the 13.5 lbs Loss, my biggest loss in a week yet!
+ Finished my first Celebration event (Duathlon) achieving all 3 Goals I set for it.
- Silly Big Gain which despite the valid reasons for them was still a big gain! :(

Goals for this week:
1) Keep at 100% Food Optimising!
2) 2/3 Super Frees on as many meals as possible.
3) Eat More to make up for the exercise I'm doing.
4) Full week of posting Food and Exercise on

I'm not sure what to exepect this week so I joined the 2 lbs club and will hope to hit that.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Weigh-In Week 57/58

Week 57 - Lost 2.5 lbs
Week 58 - Lost 2.5 lbs

No awards this week.

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 17 stone 10 pounds (248 lbs / 112.49 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (Achieved this 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 29/03/2012)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 30/06/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Oct11 (5wks): 6.50 lbs (2.95 kg)
Nov11 (4wks): 13 lbs (5.90 kg)
Dec11 (5wks): 3 lbs (1.36 kg) GAIN
Jan12 (4wks): 19 lbs (8.62 kg)
Feb12 (4wks): 7 lbs (3.18 kg) GAIN
Week 56: 3 lbs (1.36 kg) GAIN
Week 57: 2.5 lbs (1.23 kg)
Week 58: 2.5 lbs (1.23 kg)

Well, I'm not quite back to my lowest of 17st 5 lbs on 26/01/2012, but I'm only 5 lbs up, and heading int he right direction! It's been a tough month and a half coping with 2 weeks holiday, 2 weeks home alone with the kids and cravings for all things non-Slimming World! This weekend was another stumbling block. I blew out after mountain biking Saturday with a pasty and crisps. Then Sunday bought on Choclate Cake and Ice Cream for dessert and snacked on some crisps in the day. Monday night was Chinese for Keenen's birthday. Tuesday was a good day food wise, but a low point confidence wise. I was really upset that I have been....well, FAILING so much lately. I had a brief chat with Steve on the phone Tuesday night, and I guess he didn't really know what to tell me other than "You an idiot!", but it was a turning point for me. I eventually gave myself the kick int he butt I needed and put my mind straight again. Since then it's been much easier to SAY NO to the cheats/crisps/chocs.
I was extremely happy with the 2.5 lbs loss this week. I was hoping for a maintain and thought I probably deserved a small gain. But Tuesday's mind switch seems to have paid off. I have been pushing hard at the exercise for about 2 weks now. A lot of the sessions have been tough due to the junk I been "fuelling" on, but still been knuckling downa nd getting it done!

Positives and Negatives of the last two weeks:
+ 2 losses (although small) back to back has me feeling much more positive again.
+ Been hammering away at cycling and running the last 2 weeks which has felt good.
- Still been ruining some of my days with junk snacks.

Goals for this week:
1) Back on 100% Food Optimising!
2) 2/3 Super Frees on as many meals as possible.
3) Keep check on my carbs. Might be lacking on carbs (exercise fuel).
4) Full week of posting Food and Exercise on
5) Keep up the exercise but rest the end of next week to be Super Fit for my Duathlon on 24th!

I set a mini target thsi week again for 5 lbs. If I can stick to Food Optimising 100% this week, 5 lbs is definitely possible...maybe more!

Friday 2 March 2012

Weigh-In Week 53/54/55/56

Week 53 - No Weigh-in (South Africa)
Week 54 - No Weigh-in (South Africa)
Week 55 - 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg) GAIN!
Week 56 - 3 lbs (1.36 kg) GAIN!

Awards this week:

Greatest Loser 2012 for my Group.
This is a pretty cool award! I'm a massive L O S E R !

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 18 stone 1 pound (253 lbs / 114.76 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (Achieved this 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 29/03/2012)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 30/06/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Oct11 (5wks): 6.50 lbs (2.95 kg)
Nov11 (4wks): 13 lbs (5.90 kg)
Week 43: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 44: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 45: Maintain
Week 46: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN Various Celebrations
Week 47: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg) GAIN Christmas
Week 48: 6.5 lbs (2.95 kg)
Week 49: 7.5 lbs (3.40 kg)
Week 50: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 51: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 52: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) GAIN
Week 53: Holiday in South Africa
Week 54: Holiday in South Africa
Week 55: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg) GAIN
Week 56: 3 lbs (1.36 kg) GAIN

Really dissapointed with myself and my current weigh-ins. Obviously they due to me not sticking to plan, and there are some "excuses" (Karen is away and I'm an over worked, tired mommy and daddy trying to eat sensibly, cook 2 meals a night, feed all of kids and me, get everyone in and out the door for various activities, trying to stay sane while missing my wife, who has been 1 of my biggest suports over the last year while still suffering cravings for heavy SYN foods that I induldged in in South Africa), BUT I really do know better than to shove that junk food into my face and simply need to get over this, keep focussing on my exercise and how much better and easier it is when I'm not shoving junk down my throat! It's so frustrating to KNOW this, and I kick my butt mentally every time I go out running and cycling, thinking: "YOU IDIOT! WHY OH WHY DID YOU EAT THAT HOT CROSS BUN, OR CHOCOLATE, OR CRISPS, OR BREAD, OR PIZZA!!???" Yip I even ate 3/4 of a Large Dominoes Pizza!!??! WHAT HE HELL!? WHY?

So the gains are deserved, and I can't make any empty promises that this week without Karen (who is now in South Africa at a family wedding), is going to be any better! And I know Steve doesn't want to hear me say this, but I am trying! He thinks trying is unacceptable, I must simply DO! But If it's Do or Fail and no Trying, then I'm currently FAILING, and if I'm failing, I might FAIL every meal all day, at least when I am trying, I am only failing 2 or 3 meals in the week, or snacking wrong! So I refuse to just FAIL...instead i choose TRYING!

Positives and Negatives of the last four weeks:
+ I had an amazing holiday! As many probably know, not being able to fly home to see my Dad is what sparked this weight-loss and the sense of accomplishment of getting on a plane and spending 2 weeks in South Africa with him and my Mom and the rest of my family, was an amazingly emotional HIGH!
- Ive had 2 bad weeks since getting home, but at least I'm spending lots of quality time with the kids! :)
+ Winning our groups Greatest Loser 2012 is awesome. About 3 or 4 weeks in to my Slimming World Journey I met and read about a guy, Ian Hutchinson, who was 5th or 6th? in the National Greatest Loser Finals 2011. He was very good at journalling his journey which was very similar to the journey that I was hoping to travel at that time. I was inspired by him into BELIEVING that this was possible! Now a little more than a year later, and about 3/4 of the way to my goal, to win even just my local Groups Greatest Loser 2012, reminds me how similar my journey has already been to Ian's, and how if I simply hold on to that belief and keep my focus, how close I am to achieving that Goal weight!

Goal for this week (Only 1):
1) Survive with my sanity in tact, and hopefully with either a maintain or a small loss so that when Karen is back I can get back on track, find my MOJO and lose all that I have recently gained, and move forward and closer to that final goal!