Thursday 22 December 2011

Weigh-In Week 46

This week no Surprise I had a 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN! :(

No Awards this week. (obviously! :P)

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 18 stone 1.5 pounds (253.5 lbs / 114.99 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)

2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (Achieved this 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 31/01/2012 - 1 year exactly)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 42: Maintain
Week 43: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 44: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 45: Maintain
Week 46: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN

It was totally expected. Karen and I went away for the weekend to Scarborough, and I gave myself the weekend off. I didn't feel all that great for it, but it was nice to have a nice relaxed care free "I'll just eat whatever is going" attitude. So to be fair, I'm actually quite impressed it was only 2 lbs (0.91 kg) on! On the up side though, tonight I did manage to break the 30 minute mark in my 5km run! For the first time it actually felt like a RUN! Sooooo happy with that! :)

I have no great expectations of the next week either, though at least most of the meals will still be on plan. Saturday is a day out with the kids at a Christmas "theme park?" and have no idea what to expect for lunch, and not goign to bother trying to take something with us. Sunday will be a fairly healthy Christmas lunch though I expect the roasted meat portions will be out of hand, and I will indulge in some puddings. But "It's Christmas"! :P Rest of the week I'm on holiday, and if I flexisyn Saturday and Sunday right, and use good portions of the "free time" when not playing with the kids to Run and cycle, I should be able to keep the week fairly good and hoping for a small loss if possible.

Positives and Negatives of the week:
+ I had a great weekend away with my wife to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary! :)
+ Breaking the 30 minute mark on my 5km run was a massive positive!
- Sad I gained, but it was expected, and I will lose it again!

Goals for this week:
1) Have a great Christmas with the family
2) Food Optimise All meals posible this week
3) Use some of my "free time" to get some extra running and cycling in! ;)

It sounds a crazy goal to set to lose weight on the Christmas week, but Saturday out is a bigger threat than a reasonably healthy Christmas Lunch. And with all the extra time while not working to burn some extra calories I don't see why a small loss is not possible! :) Would still be good to get to 11 stone this month! So 2.5 lbs (1.13 kg) is my ambitious target! :)

Thursday 15 December 2011

Weigh-In Week 45

Unbelievably I Maintained this week! :D

No Awards this week.

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 17 stone 13.5 pounds (251.5 lbs / 114.08 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)

2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (Achieved this 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 31/01/2012 - 1 year exactly)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 42: Maintain
Week 43: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 44: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 45: Maintain

I know it's not great to maintain when I'm trying to lose weight....but with a Christmas party, A Chicken burger driving home, a birthday meal out and an Anniversary meal out, I was very happy to not put weight on this week. I seriously was expecting a gain and right up till getting on the scales tonight! There was a brief moment on Tuesday when i was down about 1 lbs (0.45 kg) and I was considering postponing our anniversary meal till something on the weekend while we were away. But yesterday afternoon I suddenly though, WHY? It's our 15 year anniversary, I'm fitter, thinner and healthier than i was 15 years ago.....1 meal out to celebrate with Karen is SO much more important than what the scales will say tonight! So I'm glad we went out and enjoyed it. Especially since it didnt even cost me a GAIN! :D

Positives and Negatives:
+ Stepped up the running a little this week. Will slowly ramp it up to 6 days a week and fall into a training schedule for my Half Marathon in May!
+ Massively happy about not putting anything on this week!
+ Feeling really good about basically everything at the moment!

Goals for this week:
1) Lose 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg) to get my 11 Stone (154 lbs / 69.85 kg) Award
2) Make as many good choices eating out all weekend in Scarborough.
3) Get 100% back on track as of Monday!

My only "problem" this week is Karen and I's weekend away. It will all be hotel/resturant food, though Breakfasts wil probably mostly be Fruit and Yogurt I think...I'll be sneaking my hifi bars along for the trip too to get that metabolism fired up first thing in the morning! I've targeted that 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg) to get my 11 stone (154 lbs / 69.85 kg) award again this week after failing to get it last week, but will again be happy with a maintain considerig the weekend plans.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Definition of Success

Something that has been rattling around in my brain the last 2 days is:
"Success is not achieving a more than others expected of you, it is achieving the goal you set, no matter the duration, length or pain it took to cross finish line!"
I don't think I have read that anywhere. I think it's all me. :P And I know it sounds "Over the top", but I guess that's all me too! :P

Some of you may not know that the weekend before last I attempted for the first time to circumnavigate the outskirts of Nottingham, and it was all going well, but somewhere around 70 km or so, I started getting uncomfortable. My butt was sore, I had lost the feeling in my feet (due to the cold) about an hour earlier. My muscles were starting to ache. I had no energy left. I'd finished all my bananas, energy bar and drinks, and at this point my entire body was starting to get super cold!

In that weak state I convinced myself that I COULDN'T finish. At 75 km I gave up and called Karen who didn't answer! So I pushed on to see how much further I could go, but after another 2 km I quit for good and walked into the Pub nearby, ordered a hot drink and sat on the chair at the table feeling sorry for myself! I posted my dissapointment on Facebook and text my Paul, knowing he would be honest and tell me what I knew I should be telling myself: "I was WEAK and a QUITTER!", but didn't get a text back (out of dissapointment?). Eventually Karen returned my call and came to pick me up. It was a massive low point for this year! My mood was bolstered by friends posting how impressed they were by my achievement. How they couldn't have gone that far. How impressed they were and how proud I should be for how far I have come and that 77 km was nothing to be ashamed of.

It worked. It made me feel better....but only for a short time. Eventually I had to face the fact, that I set myself a goal. I felt good about it, and figured if I just went at it, I could finish it. But I let weakness and doubt creap in when literally "The Elements were against me" and I failed! No matter how impressive how far I had come was, I had NOT crossed the finish line and for the rest of the week, daily, I reminded myself of that. I knew I wasn't ready to attempt it again this weekend, and I know I can't do it the next 2 weekends because of things we have on, but I WILL attempt it again, SOON, and this time.....I WONT QUIT! No matter the weather, no matter how I feel, dealing with failing again is NOT an option!

Determination has seen me lose almost 11 stone in 10 months. Determination has seen me evolve from a fat guy who couldn't walk a 1.2 km round trip to take his kids to school, to currently running 7 or 8 km in a session and cycling now a record distance of 77 km. Determination WILL see me circumnavigate the outskirts of Nottingham! Or I will die trying! :P

Thursday 8 December 2011

Weigh-In Week 44

A very nice 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) Loss this week! :D

No Awards this week.

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 17 stone 13.5 pounds (251.5 lbs / 114.08 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (Achieved this 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 31/01/2012 - 1 year exactly)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 42: Maintain
Week 43: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 44: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)

It's been a fairly good week. Normally after a big loss like last week, I struggle to lose or gain. Also my weight tends to spike on the weekend after and it becomes a struggle to drop back down. This week however my weight has stayed pretty much the same level most of the week. Then 2 days ago I suddenly dropped a few pounds.
Last night I woke up with a cold meaning I had a bad nights sleep (not good for weightloss), carrying more water (not good for weightloss), reduced exercise, nearly did NONE (obviously not good for my weightloss) and just generally feeling a bit down about it all (also not good for the weightloss).
But when i got on the scales I was happy to see a loss, then unhappy to see I was 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg) short of getting my 11 stone (154 lbs / 69.85 kg) Award, then happy when I realised I was below 18 stone (Running weight / 252 lbs / 114.31 kg)!

Positives and Negatives:
+ Under Running weight (18 stone / 252 lbs / 114.31 kg)
+ Back to back losses, which are rare these days
- Sick means exercise needs to slow down for a bit

Goals for this week:
1) Lose 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg) to get my 11 Stone (154 lbs / 69.85 kg) Award
2) 100% Food Optimising
3) Carry on with 2/3 Super Free Foods meals
4) Keep eating lots of Super Speeds. (Beans, Fish, Lemon, Melon, Berries)

This week is going to be a little bit of a problem....Christmas party tomorrow, at least I don't drink, but the meal is hardly Slimming World. Saturday night is a Birthday meal out, Wednesday night is Karen and I's Wedding Anniversary. It will be tough, but with any luck I can lose the 1 lbs (0.45 kg) I have targeted!

Thursday 1 December 2011

Weigh-In Week 43

A very nice 6 lbs (2.72 kg) Loss this week! :D

Award this week:

10.5 Stone (147 lbs / 66.67kg) Award! This took a long time to get!

Slimmer of the Week. First 1 for a while.
Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 18 stone 1 pounds (253 lbs / 114.76 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 31/01/2012 - 1 year exactly)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 42: Maintain
Week 43: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)

It was a terrible weekend. I did no exercise Saturday as I had hurt my leg and needed to rest it. With that came the munchies. Someone was trying to sabbotage my weightloss with a open tin of Quality Street Sweets! I never pigged out, but had a good 2 or 3 almost every day on top of other Syns! It may have been a bit of comfort eating due to not losing anything last week and the injured leg. Monday I was still hovering around 120 kg (264.5 lbs) which was up from weigh in on Thursday and I thought I was facing a gain this week!
But I had a SMS chat with my awesome consultant who some how seems to know just when i need a "How you doing?" SMS! (Thank you Jeanette!) It sparked a attitude change, and we dicussed some things I could try like 2/3 of my plate Super Free. But I also knew I needed to snap out of the "wallowing in self pity" and needed to get my butt in gear again and focus!
I think the attitude change frightened my body because when i got ont he scale Tuesday morning after my exercise.....BANG! 114.9kg (253 lbs)! EXCELLENT! Lowest weight yet and eventually I had dropped below 116.8, my previous lowest. But some how in 24 hours I had shifted 5kg (11 lbs)! :o If anyone knows how this happens, please explain it to me! Needless to say I have been super motivated and focused all week. I stuck with the 2/3 of my meal being Super Frees and Tried to have Fish most nights, and if possible for lunch. Although I didn't really manage to shift any more since Tuesday Morning, I'm happy with the result, and buzzing with motivation again! It always feels good to have a good loss!

Positives and Negatives:
+ Under 115 kg! Awesome!
+ Lost more than 150 lbs!
- Missed my short term target of being 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) by 01/12/2011. :( But at least it was only by 1 lbs (0.45 kg)! ;)

Goals for this week:
1) 100% Food Optimising
2) 2/3 Super Free Foods
3) Try incorporate more Super Speeds than normal. (Beans, Fish, Lemon, Melon, Berries)

This week it's all about the 2 lbs (0.91 kg) club! Seems everyone wants to lose 2 lbs (0.91 kg) this week.... ? For me though its the 2 lbs (0.91 kg) that will get me below 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) and get my 11 stone (154 lbs / 69.85kg) award! :D Come on Duane...You can do it!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Losing weight is easy! ;)

I found losing weight is easy if I followed these 7 KEY points:
1) Never get hungry! Or next you eat, your body stores!
2) Eat often! Not drink often!
3) Avoid fats, sugar, wheat!
4) Eat lots of Fruit and Veg!
5) Eat balanced amounts of Good Carbs, Good Fats and Protein (if it's meat, make it lean)!
6) Exercise 6 days a week!
7) Be honest with yourself!

Or even easier...just follow Slimming World (it fulfills the above 7 KEY points). It really is so simple, helpful, sustainable and really works. I have yet to find anyone who has followed SW (HONESTLY) and not lost weight. Even when there is very little to lose, or none to lose, if you honest with yourself even maintaining should be easy.

There is no quick fix, magic or permanent diet out there that allows you to lose weight and eat crap. I've tried over the last 10 years a lot of shake, calorie counting, no carb, tablet diets. Even Heart Foundation Diet. But none of them were sustainable!

It's not about losing the weight on a diet then going back to how you were and expect the weight to stay off. You have to accept if you want to lose the weight, you have to change the way you eat. SW is not a diet....its a lifestyle. And quite frankly, The most amazing, best tasting, unbelievably energetic, phycologically enhancing, Feel Good Lifestyle I have lived to date!

Friday 25 November 2011

Weigh-In Week 42

Stayed the same this week.

Award this week:

Slimmer of the Month for November!

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 18 stone 7 pounds (259 lbs / 117.48 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)

2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/12/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 42: Maintain

One of those boring stayed the same week. Cant be too upset with it as I was off plan Saturday night, and still remained high on Syns the rest of the week. Also had a lot of Carbs this week, which doesnt normally work well for me, but my body was craving it. It seems like the 9 and 5 pound losses are causing a High then low/gain/maintain cycle again. Hope to break it this week, or at least have another really high loss to hit my target of 18stone by 01/12/2011!

Goals for this week:
1) 100% Food Optimising
2) Avoid the carb cravings!

I have targeted only 3 lbs this week, but am desperately aiming for 8 lbs if I can to reach 18 stone and be on track for my targets!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Weigh-In Week 41

Another 5 lbs (2.27 kg) off this week! :D

No Awards this week.

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 18 stone 7 pounds (259 lbs / 117.48 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/12/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)

It has been a good solid week of sticking to plan, good exercise and focusing on getting on with the job. It honestly felt fairly effortless and I felt positive the whole week. Little oppertunities to "cheat" / over Syn came along and I found it fairly easy, but very satisfying to SAY NO! There is no doubt that Slimming World works, and works well as long as you stick to the plan, make good choices and avoid the horrible pitfalls that got you into this situation in the first place. People often say to me, "but you have to at least enjoy your life?" I always nod and say "yeah.." and I know for a fact it was "enjoying life" that led to bad habits that led to an unhappy life! I am honestly enjoying life here and now by saying no, and intend to enjoy it even more once all my weight is off thank you very much! Besides, Karen made some Syn free Devilish Eggs tonight that were enjoying life and free to eat!

- I know its greedy to say, but I really wanted 6 lbs (2.72 kg) off to get my 10.5 lbs (147 lbs / 66.67 kg) Award! :(
+ Happy to have had such a good loss this week.
+ Had 2 good runs this week! :)

Goals for this week:
1) 100% Food Optimising
2) Make a sensible choice for supper out with friends on Saturday night.

I have targeted another 3 lbs (1.36 kg) off for next week. but would be happier for 3.5 (1.59 kg) leaving me only another 3.5 (1.59 kg) to lose to hit 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) by 01/12/2011....Running weight! :D I know I'm running now, and the 0.5 stone (7 lbs / 3.18 kg) difference is not much, but its the target of hitting running weight by 01/12/2011 that means so much to me! :)

Thursday 10 November 2011

Weigh-In Week 40

I put 1 lbs (0.45 kg) on.

No Awards this week.

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 18 stone 12 pounds (264 lbs / 119.75 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/12/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN

It's been a weird week. Had a massive cycle on Saturday (61km / 37.89 mi). Then had a heavy SYN day Sunday (28 SYNs) after a Blueberry Muffin, Magnum Icecream and usual SYNs. Then played Volleyball Monday night and ended up with 3 days of stiff muscles, especially my Quads....kinda not cool when you wan tot cycle or run every day! :( All the time my weight wasn't going down! Then wednesday night out to movies and half a snickers and popcorn. Woke this morning and weighed myself at 123 kg (272 lbs)! Depressed all day about a possible 9 lbs (4 kg) gain this week, completely cancelling out last weeks loss! But I  think I was carrying a lot of water and it all dissapeared today leaving me with a 1 lbs gain! So frustrating roller coaster week, but after a scare this morning, I was quite happy to take the 1 lbs gain! After all, 9 lbs (4 kg) loss last week and 1 lbs (0.45 kg) on this week is still 4 lbs (1.81 kg) loss per week, which suits me just fine! :)

+ Happy I stayed under 19 stone
+ Happy I stayed under 120 kg
+ Happy I still have more than 10 stone off!
+ My cycle tonight was AWESOME! New fastest average speed 18.86 mph / 30.32 km/h! And that was over 24km too! :)

Goals for this week:
1) Back to focusing on 100% Food Optimising after a fairly rollercoaster week.
2) Need to survive Kaydee's Birthday Party on Saturday with SYN limits intact, and her Birthday on Tuesday which will mean more cake and either a Chinese or a meal out!

Despite Kaydees Birthday and party this week, I feel really confident and positive about this week and I think a 3 lbs loss this week is realistic and achievable, and will keep me happy!

Friday 4 November 2011

Choose, Believe, then simply do it!

I have been thinking a lot recently about how this year turned out to be so different from every other year that I tried to diet. Here are some of the influences that made a difference:

1. I had what I considered to be a fairly serious problem with 1 of my legs due to blood circulation problems due to my weight.
2. I had a strong desire to get home and visit my parents, but flying was going to be very risky with already clear blood circulation problems in my leg.
3. Slimming World helped, because it's AWESOME! The recipes are healthy, tasty and filling! What more could you ask for. Nevermind the fact its a sustainable way to eat the rest of your life, even when you have nothing left to lose!
4. I had a friend, Steve, who pushed me real hard to start exercising, which has had an incredible effect on my state of mind and attitude to this whole thing!
5. My wife, Karen, led from the front by tirelessly, and some days being very tired from it, cooking and preparing nearly all my meals the Slimming World way...Tasty, Filling and SYN Free! Without her help, it would have been too much effort!
6. Going public, facebook and blogging about what I was doing, for ALL my friends, old and new, work colleagues, old and new, and my Family to see, was a massive amount of pressure. I chose to do it for that exact reason. There was NO WAY I was going to puclicly fail at this for literally EVERYONE I knew to see!

However, the more I contemplate it, the more I realise that there were 3 vital steps that made the biggest difference:

1. I chose to do it for ME. Every other time I had someone else pushing me into starting. Or making me feel that bad about being fat I did it because I felt like I HAD TO! This time I actually went into this thinking it would fail because every other attempt to diet had failed, but that this was a vital step toward a gastric band which I believed at the time was the answer. It wasn't till I was 3 weeks in, after a few decent losses with minimal effort, that I decided to give this a real go, for ME!
2. At about the same time, I had met a couple people (Lesley, Ian and Stuart) that turned that choice and desire into an honest, sincere belief that losing all the weight possible! They had proved it by doing it themselves! That for me was a vital element. I'd never believed I could do it. I had hoped. I had wished. I even wanted it! But I had never beleived it was actually possible!
3. Then doing it became a case of small targets. Achievable, and challenging targets. The key was making me have to work to achieve them, but at least making them achievable, because achieving them bred an incredible feeling of satisfaction from the success. Eventually I became addicted to that feeling of succeeding. Examples:
a) Steve set up very small achievable exercise goals. I started walking 200m a day, 6 days a week. Initially they seemed stupid targets. But it was hard to get up early, get dressed for a walk no matter the weather, and get out there for 5 minutes to walk around the block. Believe it or not, at 28 stone, walking 300m was actually a challenge! Every week we increased the distance. Just enough to keep it challenging to ensure the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the week.
b) I promised to give up crisps and bread for a week. When I succeeded at that, I thought..Ok one more week. Then a third! Eventually lasting that long without them felt so good I had to keep going. Every now and then, I didn't last a week. So the next week I was more adamant to go without!
c) Steve set a longer term goal to run a 5km fun run in June. Despite an injury to my leg a week or 2 prior, and the fun run turning out to be a fair distance away, instead of setting a new goal for a closer fun run another day, I absolutely HAD to achieve THAT goal. My addiction to achieving my goals demanded it!

Thursday 3 November 2011

Weigh-In Week 39

Very happy and not at all surprised to lose 9 lbs (4.08 kg) this week! :)

Awards this week:

10 stone (142 lbs / 64.41 kg)! Wow double figures!

Another Slimmer of the week award to add to the pile! :)

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 18 stone 11 pounds (263 lbs / 119.29 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/12/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)

I've had an amazing week. Not only did it feel amazing losing those 9 lbs (4.08 kg), but the week was just super positive from start to finish. I felt so good. All the exercise was going well. It's all getting easier! I wish I could give someone of the positive mental attitude and the amazing confidence boost its given me away. So many people could do with some of what I'm on! To quote Charlie Sheen: "I got Tiger Blood!"

+ I'm now under 19 stone! :P
+ I'm now under 120 kg! :D:D:D
+ I've now lost 10 stone!
+ I feel so fit! I can run! I can cycle! I can do both in the same day and still do other stuff without collapsing!!

This is going to seem stupid, but sadly there is a very real chance I might not achieve this 1 and only goal I am setting for next week:
1. Don't put even 1/2 lbs (0.23 kg) on! A maintain will be ok....JUST DONT GAIN!

Moving back on track with my long term goals, just desperately need to not gain next week! Please!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Below 120KG!!

It's not official till I weigh in tomorrow obviously, but today for the first time on my home scale I dropped below 120 kg! 119.4 kg to be exact! :D

For years I have often said "I'd like to lose some weight and I would be happy to even get to 120 kg. I could get active and play some sport at 120 kg. Which in turn would help me lose more weight."

However, for years, and especially the last 3 or 4 years, I have felt like that will never happen! 120 kg seemed unattainable. The mirage in the desert. A Unicorn. I fond the Unicorn! I reached the oasis! And I am so happy and proud of myself I can SCREAM! AAARRRGGHHHH!!! :D

Time to find a Volleyball club to join I think?

Monday 31 October 2011


I don't know how many will like this website/mobile app since it isn't a SW Food Diary, but I have used it for the first time today, and I havent kept a SW Food Diary for a good 5 or 6 months, but I'm really enjoying it. I can do it on my phone and its dead easy.

The main reason I have started using it is to keep my focus on what I'm eating. It's so much harder to pop that choclate in your mouth when you keepign a diary and being 100% honest with yourself! You become so much more accountable!

The another reason is it helps you be aware of how your Carbs, Proteins and Fats balance out. Now I know thats not much use for Red and Green Days, but as a ExtraEasy Man all the way, I'm liking how it is at least making me aware!

The another big reason is that it's making me calorie aware. Now I know SW doesn't do calories this way, but I took some very good advice from Neil Richardson, our current Man of the Year back in July. He would watch his calories, eg: he would have cauliflower curry instead of chicken curry because it had less calories but still tasted similar. Now I personally would LOVE to follow his lead and lose as fast as he has! So...Calorie meters on for me please!

One more reason is it helps keep me aware of calories in and out. I do a lot of exercise, and sometimes I find myself feeling a little dizzy and light headed when I have had a particularly "busy exercise" day. I know it's because I havent had enough calories (I know this seems opposite to my previous point, but it's all about getting the RIGHT BALANCE). I may have had my 3 meals, but sometimes those meals have been TOO LIGHT on calories and I find myself in negative calories for the day. And I don't mean negative to what I should have had, but I mean, actualy I have eaten 1300 calories, and burnt off 1800! Considering my body burns about 2500 to 2700 calories a day anyway, having -500 calories is definately NOT a good thing!

In todays example I have burnt 1065 calories JUST from my cycle this morning and eaten only 1428. That means I've had a net calorie intake of 363! :S That's simply not enough. As I sit here typing this, I have a headache....No wonder, I ate far too little today! If I want to lose 4 lbs this week, I need to have a net calorie intake of about 700 calories a day. 363 is half that! Not good!

If you start using this, please feel free to add me as a friend on it:

Here's an example of my Food Diary for the day:

Friday 28 October 2011

Weigh-In Week 38

A little dissapointed with my 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) this week.

Awards this week:

9.5 stone (133 lbs / 60.32) award!

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 19 stone 9.5 pounds (272 lbs / 123.38 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/12/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)

Considering the contrast in effort between the last 2 weeks I'm pretty dissapointed by a mere 3.5 lbs loss this week. the previous week was filled with lots of bad choices and gaps in my exercise schedule. This week I was doing so well. Full on exercise, 100% on plan and lots of Speed foods!

+ I'm still under 20 stone (127 kg)! :D
+ I've now lost over 60 kg! :D
+ 2/3 of the way to target! :D

Im repeating last weeks Super Goals for a Super Speed Week (since I didn't acheive them all last week):
1. 100% Food Optimising
2. 5 Super Speeds a day! (Fish, Beans, Peas, Melon, Yellow Plums, Berries, Lemon)
3. A full, intense week of cycling.
4. Start the new Core Strength exercises
5. Time to drag out that dumbell again. My shoulder is healed, so time to strengthen up the arms again

Seriously want to lose 7 lbs (3.18 kg) this week to hit 10 stone (140 lbs / 63.51). Also I keep expecting this big loss to catch up on the damage the recent gains did on my weekly average, but it seems to be avoiding me! It woudl be nice ot just have a big loss and get it over with! And I'm currently running below my long term targets and a big loss could change that.

Monday 24 October 2011

Things may be slowing down....

Recently I have been having a little trouble losing the weight as fast as I was, and at one point it got me a bit down. At another point it distracted my focus and will power. Gains creaped in as I gave in to some cravings. I was feeling a little out of control of it all and although i didn't see myself slipping back to where I was, I felt my goals (time period) I had set slipping away from me.

I have had a bit of a wake up call. Had some amazing support (Thanks Jeanette and Lesley). Had some seriously scary threats (Thanks? Steve). Had renewed support and love (Thanx Karen ;)). Got a new amazing bike (Thanx Paul!). Had some good results lately (Thanx ME!) And stumbled across a number of inspirational quotes, articles, posts and pictures. (thank you all).

But this 1 kinda brought it all home.....

...I'm not in a race. I don't have to let things slip, but at the end of the day, If I don't make it to target on the date I set, and instead get there 1 or 2 or 3 months later.....That will still be one of the most amazing achievements of my life!

Friday 21 October 2011

Weigh-In Week 37

Manged a relatively good 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) this week.

Awards this week:

Slimmer of the Week. I wasn't sure when i would see 1 of these again with all the gains I been having lately!

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 19 stone 9.5 pounds (275.5 lbs / 124.96 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 04/12/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/02/2013)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)

I know I was grumpy about my 3 lbs (1.36 kg) gain last week, but this week, I was having issues with crisps and snacks, choclate and ice creams along with my usual Syns of sauces and dressings for meals and salads. Almost every day was a high Syn day except for the last 2. So I'm fairly happy to have dropped the 3.5 (1.59 kg) that I have. I'm also feeling fairly motivated for next week. Steve has found me some "core strength" exercises that I can do (he is doing them too). That should make a nice change and slap the body back into the good weight loss routine. Also I have decided to come back fighting against the cravings and cheats I had last week, with a super strict week, and even a nice effort at a Super Speed week. Fish, Fruit, Veg, Salad and Beans. I feel like I deserve a good wake up call, and hopefully get back on track with my targets which are getting pushed further back with the gains and poor losses I have had recently. My average loss of 4 lbs (1.81 kg) / week has decreased to a 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) / week average! Not good!

+ I'm still under 20 stone (127 kg)! :D

Super Goals for a Super Speed Week:
1. 100% Food Optimising
2. 5 Super Speeds a day! (Fish, Beans, Peas, Melon, Yellow Plums, Berries, Lemon)
3. A full, intense week of cycling.
4. Start the new Core Strength exercises
5. Time to drag out that dumbell again. My shoulder is healed, so time to strengthen up the arms again!

Honestly, Id be happy with a 4.5 lbs (2.04 kg) loss to try work back up to a average loss of 4 lbs (1.81 kg) / week, but, secretly .... between you and me, I'd love a big loss .... as long as it doesnt get followed by a gain again like the pattern I had over the last 2 months!

Thursday 13 October 2011

Weigh-In Week 36

Not overly happy with only a 3 lbs gain. Less than i put on last week! But better than a gain.

No awards this week. :(

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 19 stone 13 pounds (279 lbs / 126.55 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 04/12/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/02/2013)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)

A better week this week than last. I was still a little sick on Monday and decided to give it another day before getting back to exercise. Tuesday it was back to business, and had 3 good days exercising. Hopefully from tomorrow I can have a full week of exercise and pull back some of the "missed" losses over the last 2 weeks.

+ At least I'm back under 20 stone!
+ Also my BMI this morning was showing as 39.5 so thats at least gone under 40. :)
+ And my profile picture this morning shows my belly is shrinking at a nice pace the last few weeks, which is really what I've most wanted since starting! :D

Goals for this week:
1. 100% Food Optimising, with lots of Super Frees and Super Speeds.
2. Full week of exercise.

Aiming for a nice big loss this week. Ill be happy with anything 8 lbs and up.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Weigh-In Week 35

Actually fairly happy with a 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) gain this week.

Awards this week:

Slimmer of the Month for September!

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 20 stone 2 pounds (282 lbs / 127.91 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 04/12/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/02/2013)
The losses have gone as follows:
Week 1: 4.5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 2: 3 lbs (1.14 kg)
Week 3: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 4: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 5: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 6: 2 lbs (0.9 kg)
Week 7: 2 lbs (0.91 kg)
Week 8: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 9: Maintain
Week 10: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 11: 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Week 12: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 13: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 14: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 15: Maintain
Week 16: 8 lbs (3.63 kg)
Week 17: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 18: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 19: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg)
Week 20: Maintain
Week 21: 4.5 lbs (2.04 kg)
Week 22: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 23: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN
Week 24: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 25: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 26: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 27: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 28: 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg)
Week 29: 11.5 lbs (5.22 kg)
Week 30: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) GAIN
Week 31: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 32: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 33: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN
Week 34: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN

It's been a fairly miserable week. Sunday afternoon I started feeling like I was getitng a cold. Monday morning I woke up definitely sick, so I skipped my cycle and run. By Monday evening I was "dying" with Man Flu! Tuesday I didn't leave the bed except to get lunch, which I got half way through eating, before it all came out again. So I turned to my AGE OLD NEMISIS: Bread and Crisps! Comfort food, but at least food that would stay down and settle my belly! Wednesday I stayed in bed, but by late wednesday night I was starting to feel better. This mornign I awoke recovered from teh Man Flu and left only with the remanents of a head cold, but feeling much better. Meals are still struggling to go down and settle, but I've not got sick again since Tuesday.

Goals for this week:
1. I want a week of Back to Basics. 100% Food Optimising the Slimming World way.
2. Desperately need to get back to my exercise, but probably best if I leave it till Monday. Rushing back too soon will only get me sick again and I need to shake this bug once and for all!

Looking forward to a good week back on plan with exercise and hopefully lose the 3.5 I put on this week and a little more to make up for it!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

UK Fat Tax

I'm sick in bed with some kind of head and stomach flu or head cold and stomach virus assaulting me at the same time. Sitting doesn't really work out for me as I start feelign nauseas and dizzy. Anyone who knows me, knows 2 nights back to back of 8 to 10 hours sleep is more than I can handle! Complimented with the occasional nap through the day due to the illness over the last 48 hours, and I'm sooo done with this sleep thing!!! However, there is only so much work you can do in bed with a laptop and a fuzzy head. Concentrating on the smallest of problems/projects leaves me tired and frustrated. So I am spending time reading mountain biking magazines, watching some movies and playing the "facebook" game.

My attention has been briefly drawn to a news article about the "UK Fat Tax" that David Cameron says the government may consider. An unofficial "slimming world" facebook group I belong to has started chatting about it, and I suddenly realised I had some relatively extreme, emotional, humorous and potentially offensive thoughts on the matter, which I have shared with the group, and thought would be intersting to share on my blog.

It will probably help if you read the article first:

Some replies have suggested decreasing cost of expensive healthy food and that educating the public at large is needed, neither of which I disagree with, however, my thoughts went more along these lines:

1. I sometimes wonder if educating actually helps. I knew a lot about nutrition when I was at my largest and "unhappiest", and sadly, it didn't help until something drastic threatened my health. I just felt worse for it, addicted to being fat, yet still guzzled away at burgers, chips, pizza, bread and crisps knowing full well how bad they were for me. Much the same as everyone knows full well how bad smoking is for them, and still continue to work their way through a pack a day!

2. I sometimes think we need to be treated like children. They "the parents" know what's good for us "the children", and should lay down the law. Only "buy"/make available healthy food. Ban fast foods, ban high saturate fats, even ban bread!!

3. Massive fines to companies producing high fat products! :D I know it's extreme and anti-capitalist/"unconstitutional", but it would certainly make being on Slimming World sooo much easier! :)

4. Perhaps, obesity needs to be treated and refered to far more severely than it currently is. You always run the risk of the arguement that "it's in my genes", "it's hereditary" or it gets explained as a side effect to another medical condition. And over exagerating it's seriousness may be insensitive or worse, "politically incorrect"!

5. There really is too much acceptance of "Fat and Happy". I personally campaigned this in my life and to my wife for years....and only now after slimming down some, and getting active and healthy do I realise how laughably STUPID that saying was. Compared to now...I wasn't even REMOTELY happy! And I wish I had grasped even a fraction of how dangerous my obesity actually was. Maybe if people had been less accomodating of my obesity and been a little more insensitive toward me, particularly my doctor and the NHS in general, I may have been slapped out of my delusion that I was happy or that it was ok to be quite as fat as I was, a lot sooner than January this year!

6. And for goodness sake, reward the people who are doing their bit to save you their part of that predicted £6.4B obesity cost!

Thursday 29 September 2011

Weigh-In Week 34

Happy Happy Happy! 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg) Loss this week!!!

Awards this week:

9 stone Award! Thats 126 lbs / 57.15 kg! Massively impressed with this!

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)

Currently 19 stone 12.5 pounds (278.5 lbs / 126.33 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 04/12/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/02/2013)
The losses have gone as follows:
Week 1: 4.5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 2: 3 lbs (1.14 kg)
Week 3: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 4: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 5: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 6: 2 lbs (0.9 kg)
Week 7: 2 lbs (0.91 kg)
Week 8: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 9: Maintain
Week 10: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 11: 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Week 12: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 13: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 14: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 15: Maintain
Week 16: 8 lbs (3.63 kg)
Week 17: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 18: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 19: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg)
Week 20: Maintain
Week 21: 4.5 lbs (2.04 kg)
Week 22: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 23: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN
Week 24: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 25: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 26: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 27: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 28: 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg)
Week 29: 11.5 lbs (5.22 kg)
Week 30: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) GAIN
Week 31: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 32: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 33: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN
Week 34: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg)

I'm over the moon about my loss this week. Not so much for the fact it was 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg), which is amazing anyway, but it's all the goals I achieved this week. I listed them on a blog the other week nowing that they were so close...anticipating how amazing I would feel when I achieved them... I didn't expect to achieve them all in the same day!!! I can't explain how amazing I feel!

I showed up at at group knowing I had had a good week, but doubting that it was enough to achieve them all. I'd as usual, been weighing myself every day, but somehow the math didn't work out right in my head and I figured i would get on the scales and have lost 4 or 5 pounds and be just short of dropping below 20 stone (280 lbs / 127 kg) and my 9 stone award, but at least acheive my 30% starting body weight goal, which honestly, would have been enough for me today.

Then when I got ont he scales and saw 19 stone 12.5 lbs (278.5 lbs / 126.33 kg), I couldn't believe it!! Embarrassingly, all I wanted to do was cry! My heart was racing away with pride and my emotions got the better of me. I walked outside and couldn't stop myself crying. I had just dropped below 20 stone (280 lbs / 127 kg)!?! I havent weigh as little as that in about 15 or 16 years. I composed myself and went and sat in group, which was great! We really have 1 of the best groups I've attended! We had a good few laughs too which helped me keep my emotions under control.

Goals achieved this week:
1. Eventually dropped under 20 stone (280 lbs / 127 kg)!
2. Got my 9 stone (126 lbs / 57.15 kg) award!
3. Lost 30% of my starting body weight, which also means im now 60% of the way to my target!
4. Acheived my 3 month old cycling target of an average speed of 15 mph (24 km/h). Set on my usual 10 mile (16 km) route that I have been doing for the last 3 months, so its not like I went looking for a long downhill and set it on that!
5. Acheived my 1 month old running target of running 5 km (3.11 miles) in less than 35 minutes. Thats less than 7 min/km! :)

Goals for this week:
1. Firstly and most importantly....I really really REALLY, dont want to gain next week. A maintain would be awesome...A small loss would be better!
2. Need to set out some new short term goals for Weightloss, Cycling and Running since I have achieved everything on my short term list of goals!

Happy Slimming! I feel amazing this week...way more amazing than I have felt all the other weeks I have posted here! :D:D:D:D A maintain next week would be awesome!

Friday 23 September 2011

Weigh-In Week 33

An unexplainable 2 lbs gain this week..... :(

No Awards this week.

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)

Currently 20 stone 7 pounds (287.0 lbs / 130.18 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 04/12/2011) This is also my Running weight target as suggested by the Podiatrist.
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/02/2013)
The losses have gone as follows:
Week 1: 4.5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 2: 3 lbs (1.14 kg)
Week 3: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 4: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 5: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 6: 2 lbs (0.9 kg)
Week 7: 2 lbs (0.91 kg)
Week 8: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 9: Maintain
Week 10: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)Week 11: 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Week 12: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 13: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 14: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 15: Maintain
Week 16: 8 lbs (3.63 kg)
Week 17: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 18: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 19: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg)
Week 20: Maintain
Week 21: 4.5 lbs (2.04 kg)
Week 22: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 23: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN
Week 24: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 25: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 26: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 27: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 28: 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg)
Week 29: 11.5 lbs (5.22 kg)
Week 30: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) GAIN
Week 31: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 32: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 33: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN

Not really sure what to say about this weeks gain. It was unexpected, I have had a good week. Been eating well, kept within Syns. Exercise has been at a good high level. This week was due to be a "small loss/no loss" week, but not a gain! The only thing that changed was that we have been having more Carb heavy meals this week. Pasta and Sauce for lunch, paella, pasta, lasgne, etc for supper. It's the only thing I can think of.

Goals for this week:
1. High intensity training & add some new "shock my body" exercises.
2. Keep on the Slimming World healthy eating regime, just reduce the carbs.
3. Lose at least 1.59 kg (3.5 lbs) to get to 128.6 g (183.5 lbs). This will mean I have lost 30% of my start weight! Which will leave me 20% to go to be literally Half the man I was when I started! That's 60% of the way done!

Some very short term goals that are looming:
1. Get below 20 stone (280 lbs / 127.01 kg)! I have been dreaming of dropping below 20 stone (280 lbs / 127.01 kg) for 8 months now, and I am so excited to ALMOST be there! 7.5 lbs (3.40 kg) to go! 19 stone 13.5 lbs sounds SOOO much smaller than 20 stone 0.5 lbs! Stone weights that start with a 1! :D 2. 9 stone ( 126 lbs / 57.15 kg) award! 8 lbs (3.63 kg) to go.

Really just want to try and lose the 3.5 lbs this week to hit my 30% of start weight lost goal. That will be a good week!

Saturday 17 September 2011

Slimming World "Share your story" questionnaire.

Hopefully I'm not breaking any confidentiality rules by posting these questions and my answers, but I have spent the better part of tonight filling in this online questionaire on the Slimming World website, and there is a very good chance that "My Story" / Answers probably won't even get published on the site, and there is no way I openly, honestly and emotionally answered all those questions over that many hours, that I was simply going to click submit, for it all to dissapear into the netherworld (Slimming World Online incoming submissions department) along with 6 million other similar questionaires!

So I have copy pasted the lot of it and am about to spam it onto my blog! Sorry, but it's my blog and I'll spam if I want to! :) Hope you enjoy it! :)

PS. Sorry for any embarrassment caused by my open and honest answers. "No animals were harmed during the answering of this questionaire."


How did you hear about Slimming World? (If you were a part of Slimming World on Referral please let us know)
My wife Karen had done well on slimming world, but I could never get into the meals she was eating (Red and Green). Then my Doctor refered me to you and I was happy to find out about Extra Easy! :)

Have you ever tried any other weight loss methods? If so, which ones and why do you think they did not work compared to Slimming World?
As a teen I tried a bit of Weight Watchers and hated it … for life!
I dabbled with fit for life about 8 years ago but that was awful!
I tried calorie counting and 3 days a week gym about 6 years ago which helped a bit, but lacked longevity.
I tried Slimming World Original days (without actually attending group) with my wife about 2 years ago, but I found it hard to eat so little carbs and it cost too much to have decent amounts of meat to have enough to eat.
Last year i tried forever living, and I lost 2 stone in 2 weeks, then nothing for the next 1.5 months! Also the cost was high!
I tried following the heart foundation guidelines, but without the regular weekly "Image Therapy" I lost focus easily.
Extra Easy and I are a match made in heaven! Loving it, Loving it, Loving it!

How long have you been overweight? At what point in your life did you start putting on weight?
I've always been "chubby" but as a child and teenager I played a lot of sport and was always active. In my late teens I played ridiculous amounts of sport (Rugby and Volleyball) and dropped to about 12 stone in the army.
At 23 and about 16 stone, life changed drastically. I got married, quit all my sport and started working…behind a desk! Earning money was great and it got spent lavishly on unhealthy food!
I spent the next 15 years swelling like a hot air balloon through poor diet, fatty foods, tons of bread and fast food, a sedentary job and computer games for a hobby!

What was the final straw that made you join Slimming World?
In January, my 72 year old father who had his first heart attack at 36 and  a triple bypass at 60 something (and more?), was hospitalised with pneumonia. I desperately wanted to fly to South Africa to see him, but had a rash on my left leg that I couldn't explain, and both legs were very swelled with water retention. So bad, I actually felt the stress on my skin as it felt like it was stretching to its limit. Fear of thrombosis or even a DVT during the long haul flight to SA convinced me to first seek medical advice. As expected my leg problems were weight related, and the doctor advised I DONT get on a  plane till I had lost some weight!
I'd say the fear of never seeing my dad, who himself can't travel to the UK due to health, was pretty much the last straw for me!

How have you adjusted to your weight loss? Is there anything you can do now that you have not been able to do for years?
Early on in my weight loss, a friend succeeded where my SW Consultant couldn't and convinced me to start exercising. Walking as little as 200 yards a day! Back then, I couldn't do the 1 km round trip walking my kids to school without breaking into a sweat and suffering back pains. with my friend and Body Magic guidance we increased the intensity slowly but surely…with brief reckless increases when I felt I had more to give. Eventually the exercise addiction kicked in and I increased to 5 to 8 mile walks! Then I tried some running and got a tendon/muscle injury, then the same troublesome leg. After various people suggesting (most vigorously by from my cycle crazy boss) I try cycling till the injury healed. That was life changing. In January I wouldn't have even given a second thought to getting on a bike, nevermind doing a couple miles on one! Now after 7.5 months of SW and about 4 months of intense exercise (and platinum Body Magic) later, I'm running a 5 km route once a week and almost weekly improving on my best time (currently 37min 22sec), cycling 80 to 100 km a week, again almost weekly improving on my Average Speed, and 2 weeks ago did 40 km at a cyclothon, and 2 days ago 65 km at a cyclothon! It's safe to say I'm adjusting well to my weight loss and that those are things I have not been able to do in years! Oh, and of course, I can walk my kids to school without any trouble too! :)

Now you have lost your weight, what is your main ambition in life? Have you got any new hobbies or interests?
Well I've not yet lost all my weight, only 60% of the way done, but I already have a number of new hobbies. Cycling for 1, and Running another. But my absolute favourite "FUN" exercise is about 2 or 3 hours of trail riding on my mountain bike in the Sherwood forests! Absolutely Love it!
I've set a few goals for next year that I want to achieve. I'd like to do a 100km cycling event and I'd like to run a Marathon. I know I have a fair amount of weight still to lose, and a lot of training still to do before either are possible, but I know I'm on the right track, and I know I can get fit enough for both. There is a long winter ahead where I don't intend to let up in the slightest on continuing to train and increase the intensity of that training, so that I'm ready to achieve both those goals next year! After that, I'll find something else to train for. One thing I know for sure is forget the Fat…..I never want to get UNFIT again!

What do you like best about Food Optimising? Do you prefer the Extra Easy, Original or Green choice?
I'm Extra Easy all the way! It literally is SOOO Easy! Most days I go a little light on the carbs, but I try get good amounts of fibre in every day. A little carbs with every meal. I steer clear of Bread 99% of the time but love my rice, potato and pasta. I eat my fair share of Chicken breasts, and may single handedly be responsible for the price increases and shortages in my local supermarkets! Sorry :) Choosing Low Fat, No Fat, No Sugar is No trouble! Lot's of fruit and veg super frees to compliment my free foods. Nothing to it! :)

What was a typical day's eating before you began Food Optimising (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks etc)?
Breakfast: avoided breakfast like the Plague! The 2 or 3 times a month that I actually had breakfast was 4 slices of toast, fatty eggs, fatty friend tomatoes and onions and sometimes a pack of fatty bacon. But I really most days didn't bother eating before midday.
Lunch: Bread bread and more bread. I could have eaten bread sandwiches. If I had a salad which I have always liked, it was eaten with bread. sometimes egg sandwiches, Chicken sandwiches, big curry baguettes, but 99% of the time, lunch included Bread!
Dinner: Generally a home cooked something. Various pastas, roasted meats, steak eggs and chips, pizza, lots of pizza. Home made Burgers were a favourite once a week. Slow cook casseroles.
Snacks: CRISPS! 3 or 4 bags at a time. A tube of Pringles in a single session. Big bag of kettle fried crisps possibly with dip for a single snack. Big bags of Doritoes! And toffees! Thorntons toffees. I loved them! Chocolates now and again and the odd hard boiled sweet binge.

What is a typical day's eating now (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks etc)?
I have 2 breakfasts now.
Breakfast 1 (before exercise): A Hi-Fi bar. Every day. I say, its not safe to cycle or run without having had your Hi-Fi bar first!
Breakfast 2 (after exercise): Melon, Banana and 1 "exotic" fruit (strawberries, mango or pineapple. Orange if none of those are available) with a fat free Activia/Muller-light. On a weekend I may mix it up a bit and have frylight eggs, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms and beans, some lean bacon if we have some. But thats rare.
Lunch: Salads. Chicken salad, Tuna Salad, Egg Salad, new potato salad, just a green salad. Sometimes a salad Pita bread. Sometimes a Pasta and Sauce. Sometimes a Batchelors Rice. Sometimes Frylight Egg, Tomato, Onion, Mushrooms and Beans.
Dinner: Very varied SW Recipes. Some favourites are pretty much all the curries! :) Beef Stir-fry, Steak Peppercorn sauce SW Chips Salad and Egg, Pizza topped Chicken, Chicken Stir-fry, Chicken Rice and Veg, Bacon Pasta.
Snacks: Fruit most of the time. Piece of cheese if none will make it into the meals. Triangle Cheeseys. Mugshots. FatFree Yog. Boiled Eggs are great for snacks!  

Do you eat out regularly whilst losing weight? How have you managed this?
Well I wouldn't say I eat out regularly, but maybe once or twice a month. Some months a few more other months not at all. If I'm at a restaurant, I choose something that has lean meat..normally something grilled with salad or potato. I tend to save all my Syns for the day so that I can eat without too much concern for "Am I going over my Syns with the Chips?" If I do have a meal I consider to be very Syn heavy and over my day's allowance, I simple cut back on my Syns completely the rest of the week and sometimes the next.

Did you do any form of exercise before losing weight? Has it changed since joining Slimming World?
None at all. I work from home on my PC, 3, 4 or 5 days a week depending on the week, and my hobby was computer games, on my PC. There were weeks I never left the house till Sunday to go to Church! I truly am a different person now. I'm out the house, walking, running or cycling 6 days of the week, except maybe a rest week I may skip a day or 2's exercise to give my body a chance to repair the muscle. Some days I'm out doing 2 lots of exercise. I call those my "Fat Triathlon" days (Cycle, Run/Walk and finish it with a bath)!

What made you choose Slimming World? How did you feel about joining? Were you frightened/embarrassed? What do you think now?
My wife Karen had some success with Slimming World. Also a friend of ours had done well. But it was the doctors recommendation that actual got me to go.
I felt a little out of place at first, shy guy who knows nothing about whats going on, or what a taster evening is.
I was embarrassed by my size for sure. When I started with my group, I was by far the largest person there. In fact I may still be! But I have met some amazing supportive and inspirational people in both he groups I've attended. Lesley Fox inspired me from day 1! She was so motivated, focused and positive. Her amazing success losing 4.5 stone helped me believe it was possible for me to do the same…and I have! Thank You Lesley! My newest consultant is so genuine in her concern and interest in how IM doing. She re-motivated and focused me when I was starting to lose focus. Thank you Jeanette!
Now I love going. In 32 weeks I haven't missed a week. I went away on holiday to Devon and looked up the closest group to me and weighed in there. This week I missed weigh in because I was in Kent at a Cyclothon, that didn't stop me, I tracked down a Friday Morning group near me and weighed in there! NOTHING, will stop me from weighing in each week! I think I have stayed for every image therapy too! I think they great! I love being accountable to the group for what my weight has done this week. I also love to offer help and advice, hints and tips to anyone struggling or new. Pay it forward!

Were you discouraged at any time? If so, why and how did you cope?
I don't want to say the wrong things, but my last group seemed to have a lot of people that were unmotivated, lacked focus and almost seemed uninterested in losing weight. It was not only a curious situation to me, but it also began to take strain on my own motivation! A change in work situations and a friend's friend starting a group nearby gave me the opportunity to change groups. The new consultant, Jeanette was awesome, and she helped revitalise my enthusiasm.
As far as my own "coping" is concerned, the plan is engrained in me now…And I just throw myself into exercise to keep me focused and motivated. The more exercise I do, the more I want to eat healthy and the more weight I lose, which week on week, keeps my focused. It's all about the LOSSES! :)

What do you enjoy the most about your Slimming World group?
Currently, Above all Else, I love my Consultant! Jeanette is so genuine and caring, and amazing at asking the right questions to drag valuable information out of the members, so that she can best advise them on what to correct and improve. I always feel she sometimes enjoys the fact we have lost more than we do!
I also like the fact our group is fairly small at the moment, and that everyone seems motivated and focused.
Oh and Jeanettes Raffles are the BEST collection of veg EVER! I always buy 2 lots of tickets!

How has your Consultant helped or supported you?
I think I've answered this question already, but don't mind saying t again! Jeanette is awesome. I got home from a group the other day and was so inspired by our meeting and Jeanettes care and interest in our group that I HAD to send her a message on Facebook, thanking her for all her time and energy she puts into our meetings! She is so genuinely interested in helping us lose weight! She has impressed me since the first day i joined her group, and can't wait to do her proud by getting to target with a massive 14 or 15 stone loss, motivated, inspired, encouraged and enjoyed for at least half of the journey (probably the hardest part of the journey) by her! She irradiated about 2 months of laborious weight loss in the space of a week! Thank you Jeanette!

What do you like best about Image Therapy? How has it inspired or motivated you along your journey?
I like the fact I'm held accountable, good or bad, for my weight loss that week.
I like that I can share any great achievements I have had.
I like that I can share any low points I've had and that I can get some positive feedback to help overcome those low points.
I also like being able to help other people with suggestions to over come problems and cravings that I had to and still do experience.
I like getting good meal ideas!

Did being overweight affect your health in any way? If yes, how has your health improved since losing weight?
As mentioned this started with my legs being in bad shape. A "Rash"/Infection on my left leg, and both legs being very swollen all the time.
The obvious card issues of being 29 stone were a problem, but nothing imminently life threatening that I knew of at the time.
And obviously my fitness was at an all time low. Every day tasks (without going into detail) were difficult and required huge amounts of effort. I was in a  very very bad and dark place with very little hope of improvement after many failed attempts at dieting!
The "Rash"/Infection is gone! Only scar tissue remains!
My legs are not swollen.
My muscles are strong and healthy.
Blood circulation appears to not only be better, but GOOD!
Blood pressure is healthy and I can get a resting heart rate of 65!
Every day tasks are simple and require little effort!
Life is bright and cheerful and Happy!

What difficulties in day to day life have you now been able to overcome?
Walking my kids to school is a doddle! It's not even a warm up. I never used to go do any shopping, and although my wife still does most of the shopping due to me working all day, I don't mind and often find reasons to go to the supermarket, or even better the Sports or clothing store. Cooking  a dinner now and again…I used to get back pain if I tried. Now it's no problem. Washing the dishes…back pain before…now no problem.
Something as simple as tying my shoe laces! I used to buy slip ons to avoid it! Now I tie them without any trouble!

Have you received any publicity whilst or since losing weight? If yes, please give details.
Other than me still continuing my blog and Facebook posts to keep the "Big Brother Effect" in play…not really.
My first 5 km race I ran, my wife got chatting to the organisers when they were waiting for me to come in, and told them a bit about what I had done. I think I had lost 5 stone at the time. As I came running in to the finish line, I heard the announcer talking about it and I got a big round of applause! That felt pretty cool!

Family details - marital status, number of children, ages etc. How do they feel now about your weight loss? Have any of them lost weight?
Married for 15 years this year.
4 children: 13, 10, 9 and 3 years old.
My Eldest keeps showing all his friends my certificates on the fridge and asking there weight to see if I have lost more than they weigh! hehe He loves the fact I now take him Mountain biking Saturdays.
My daughter (youngest) tells me I'm not fat, but Im a bit chubby in the belly!
My youngest son thinks its amazing that I have lost 1 and a half of his weight.
My Middle son who also goes mountain biking sometimes has brought me to tears at least once with his enthusiasm about his new "skinny daddy" and I'm not even skinny yet!
My wife is "warming" to the fact that after 15 years of nagging me to do something, I'm eventually losing weight! ;) She loves the fact she can give me a proper hug again. She has also been very very supportive, buying the food I need, sometimes cooking a separate SW meal for me and keeping the crisps out and the fruit draw stocked!
I love them all and other than my health problems the other main motivation to stick to this has been my family!

Have you had support from your family or friends whilst Food Optimising? For example did you have to cook yourself separate meals, or did the whole family or friends Food Optimise with you?
Shhhh don't tell the kids, but they sometimes eat SW meals without knowing! :) 99% of the time my wife Karen eats my SW meals with me. My father in law says he always enjoys a SW meal when he eats with us. And all except my middle son has warmed to our new healthier Chicken meals on a  Sunday.
Most of my friends and colleagues at work are very supportive of me and help by keeping a Big Brother eye on me, but 1 of the best experiences of support from a friend though, was a week ago, showing up at his house on a Saturday morning to watch the rugby with a couple friends and I had prepared myself to count some Syns for a Bacon Bap during the game, only to be surprised by a beautiful SW Full English! Thank you Darryl!

Is there anything that you can now do as a family that previously you were unable to do? For example, run around with the children, go on holiday.
2 years ago we went to Bideford bay, and we parked at a Hotel and the rest of the family went for a walk down the beach and across the rocks while dad sat in the car waiting for them. This last July we went back to that same beach a number of times, and dad never waited in the car this year! I was out no the rocks, through the big hole in the big eroded rock.
Saturday's have become mountain bike days, the most recent bank holiday Monday turned into a family picnic in Sherwood forest. Normally not only would dad have opted out of the picnic, but there was certainly no way dad would be the 1 dragging the boys out on their bikes for a quick ride on the trail!
Yeah you could say there have been some changes! :P

What’s your occupation? Has your weight ever affected your occupation in terms of your promotional prospects or general work relationships? If so, how?
I'm a Telecoms Engineer. Sadly not 1 of the outdoorsy, up a pole, cabling Telecoms Engineers either. I do all my work from a PC/Laptop. There is the odd occasion to visit the datacenter and do some server moves/installs, I have been able to help the other engineer more than I would have before, but there isn't all that much call for physical ability at work.
That being said, I get a lot of positive, encouraging comments from EVERYONE at work! I can't go into the office these days without someone saying something. They all praise me practically daily! It gets a bit much sometimes, but I guess it must be weird for them to see such  drastic change, and it will take time for them to get used to the new me…especially since I'm still losing and my body shape is still adjusting!
The CEO and MD are obviously delighted that I have made such a drastic change to my health. I'm a valued employee of the company, and they are glad I've taken measures to get myself fit and healthy! They both enjoy cycling, so my new found addiction to cycling fits in well. :)

What did workmates/colleagues think about you joining Slimming World? What do they think now?
Of course they were all encouraging and hopeful for me right from the start. As they have been in the passed when I tried other diets. I don't think any of them HONESTLY expected this time to be any different and they are all very impressed. It's gone beyond the employees of my company now. Just today 1 of our customers was telling me he has shown his over weight accountant who is trying to lose weight himself, my blog. His accountants reply was "Inspirational!!!" or something to that effect. Another of our customers, inspired by my success is deciding if he wants to go to Slimming World or not, but in the mean time has looked up what information he can about it, and started following my Body Magic example. It feels good to be having that kind of effect on people, but at the same time, I enjoy the additional pressure I feel each time someone tells me how I have inspired them to get more active (Most of them thinner than me). There's no turning back now….far too many people to disappoint! :)

Detail any incident which could be of interest to the press which relates to before you lost the weight or since you have lost the weight. This could be an amusing story or an embarrassing experience.
WOW…hmmm…some of this was done before while attempting to answer the previous answers. Each suggestion below can be embellished on, or all the stories together telling in different ways the full effect the change has made on my life.
The contrasting family holidays of 2009 and 2011, Where in 2009 I waited int he car while the kids walked and played no the beach and rocks, then in 2011 at the same beach I was able to join in is a special 1 to me. Or the Forest picnic and mountain biking in contrast to previously simply not even going to the picnic and instead staying home to play a computer game. These tell the story of how this change has effected my family relationships.
Or the massive difference of in January not being able to even get on a  bike to September riding 65 km in a day in a Cyclothon.
Id love to be able to tell the story of how this journey which started which a health problem preventing me from flying to South Africa to see my poorly Father, has seen me reverse that problem and I've been to see him. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to save for my flight yet.

Summary @ 32 Weeks

For the last 15 years of my life since getting married, I practically abandoned all forms of exercise, and swelled from 15 stone to 29 stone.

In January, considering flying to South Africa to visit my ageing, ill father, but concerned about the swelling and rash on my left leg and the risk it posed on a long haul flight, I went to see my doctor.

Advised that it was due to poor blood circulation caused by my weight and sedentary job, the doctor suggested I try Slimming World and if that didn't work, that we consider a gastric band.
Initially skeptical of "yet another diet" I showed up at my nearest group expecting this not to work.

After week 2 with reasonable losses with out starving or sacrificing taste (Thanks to my wife’s amazing ability to cook SW recipes!), my hopes and confidence in Slimming World increased. I could actually see myself eating like this the rest of my life, and if the weight loss continued, I could reach my target weight in at least 2 years!

Week 3 saw a complete change of attitude and I decided that the only way to lose all this extra weight was to change my attitude, priorities and become a little more determined to do this. This included a life changing decision to "Go public"! I started up a little blog:, and started posting my progress in my personal Facebook profile for Family, Friends, Work Colleagues, Church friends and old School Friends to see! My idea wasn't to get attention or support, but was more for the pressure brought on by the "Big Brother Effect". If everyone I know, meet, speak to or haven’t spoken to in years, is "looking over my shoulder" There is NO WAY I could give up!

Week 4 one of my closest friends started paying attention and suggested I start walking. Initially I laughed him off saying, "Not yet", the same as I did to my Slimming World Consultant who suggested Body Magic. But he was way more stubborn and insisted I entertain him with as little as 200 yards a day, 6 days a week. So I gave in and did it, reluctantly, thinking, what’s the point?

By Week 7, I was knocking on the door of 2 stone lost and had been walking 400 yards a day. This is when things got interesting. Suddenly the 300 and 400 yards a day didn't seem enough, and I was actually starting to enjoy the early morning walk. I felt a desire to get out there longer and walk further!

It suddenly hit me that I had replaced some of my unhealthy addictions (Fatty foods, sugary foods and computer games) with healthy addictions (tasty low fat sugar free meals, walking). I also noticed that there was a direct relation between the energy the healthy food was giving me and my desire to USE that energy doing exercise, and a complimentary relationship between how the exercise made me feel and my desire to eat healthy. A nice little cycle A->B->A. A match made in heaven.....literally!

From that point in my journey till today, it's all been a bit of a blur!
1. The intensity of my exercise grew till I was walking 5 to 8 miles a day, 6 days a week. Eventually my heart and lungs wanted something more intense than walking was giving me. So I tried my hand (Legs) at running. Unfortunately, that brought on a tendon/muscle injury in my left leg. Which got me to switch to cycling. I went from cycling 3.5 miles in a day to regularly doing 9 to 18 miles. 2 days ago in my most recent Cyclothon I did 40 miles in a day! I even do some mountain biking on the weekends, which I absolutely LOVE!
2. Extra Easy has become a habit. I don't have to think about what I'm eating anymore. I don't have to convince myself to choose a healthy on the go snack anymore. It's automatic! I'm sub consciously visiting the fiber bar sections or fruit aisle or looking for some easy open cans of Baked Beans/Spaghetti for a Big fix! I've discovered some of the fast food places serve a mean salad! And supermarkets have some great Salad lunch options if I'm away from home and forgot to pack a SW Lunch. I recently visited a KFC after 2 days of about 5 hours cycling, with an intense need for PROTEIN, and what would have been a burger/pieces meal in days gone by, naturally became a slightly healthier choice of boneless pieces (less fat, less bread).

I love the reaction I get from people who seem unable to stop themselves asking that seemingly rhetorical question: "You must feel like a completely different man?" then realize the answer lies before them as plain to see as daylight. I am a different man, I stand different, I look different, I move different and I smile different!

Though I'm only about 60% of the way to my target, I feel absolutely amazing. I have gained so much more enjoyment out of life and out of my body! I'm out in the fresh morning air and on weekends out in the beautiful Sherwood Forests! I'm already Happy! What the heck am I going to do and feel like at target?! Give me a few more months and I'll let you know!