Thursday 28 July 2011

Weigh-In Week 25

A very lucky 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) loss! Very Happy! :D
No awards this week.
That brings the total to 6 stone 9.5 lbs (93.5 lbs / 42.41 kg).
Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 22 stone 3.5 pounds (311.5 lbs / 141.29 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Should reach this by 18/08/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/02/2013)
The losses have gone as follows:
Week 1: 4.5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 2: 3 lbs (1.14 kg)
Week 3: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 4: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 5: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 6: 2 lbs (0.9 kg)
Week 7: 2 lbs (0.91 kg)
Week 8: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 9: Maintain
Week 10: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 11: 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Week 12: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 13: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 14: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 15: Maintain
Week 16: 8 lbs (3.63 kg)
Week 17: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 18: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 19: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg)
Week 20: Maintain
Week 21: 4.5 lbs (2.04 kg)
Week 22: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 23: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN
Week 24: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 25: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)

I was very happy to get a 1.5 lbs loss after my end of the holiday Syn-breaking Rock, Fudge, White Rolls, KFC and Crisp BINGE! I was so happy that I had made it through the holiday being good, that I lost focus on the last 3 days and let my Syns get the better of me. I ate just about every sugary White floury, fatty thing the kids were eating! But From Monday morning I did serious damage control, got back on my bike with a healthy shoulder and back in my walking shoes with a healthy left leg! All in all I'm very happy with my holiday weight loss.

Back-on-track Goals for this week:
1. 100% Food Optimisation.
2. Super charged Exercise! 30 min Walking 3 days a week. 1- 2 hours Cycling 3 to 5 days a week. 1 hour Swimming 1 day a week. 20 min Weights 3 days a week.
3. Super Speeds as much as I can.
4. Must rmember my Healthy Extra A Serve (Dairy) every day....been slipping on that big time. :(

Holidays behind me, Weightlosses both weeks! All my aches, pains and injuries healed, back on full exercise routine! Hope that no nasty surprises raise their heads during this week. New group was great. Jeanette is cool, and the new group has a lot of younger people which is cool. Small group, so Image Therapy is super fast! :) Plus it's awesomely situated for me to take my bike and go for a night cycle home along my favourite route through Hucknall!

Hope to lose at least 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) next week to hit 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) exactly, which is my 2nd Short Term Target, also my half way mark! 25% of my starting weight lost. However but 4.5 lbs (2.04 kg) for my 7 stone (98 lbs / 44.45 kg) award would be better! ;)

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Weigh-In Week 24

An mamazing new record 9 lbs (4.08 kg) Loss this week! Woohoo!!!

Awards this week:

6.5 Stone (41.25 kg) Award.

That brings the total to 6 stone 8 lb (92 lbs / 41.73 kg).
Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 22 stone 5 pounds (313 lbs / 141.97 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Should reach this by 18/08/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/02/2013)
The losses have gone as follows:
Week 1: 4.5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 2: 3 lbs (1.14 kg)
Week 3: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 4: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 5: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 6: 2 lbs (0.9 kg)
Week 7: 2 lbs (0.91 kg)
Week 8: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 9: Maintain
Week 10: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 11: 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Week 12: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 13: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 14: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 15: Maintain
Week 16: 8 lbs (3.63 kg)
Week 17: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 18: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 19: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg)
Week 20: Maintain
Week 21: 4.5 lbs (2.04 kg)
Week 22: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 23: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN
Week 24: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)

As expected this week was a big loss week. Swelling all down & bruises starting to show. However, I've had an even worse sleeping pattern. Most of this week I have been waking up at 1:30 or 3:30 unable to sleep due to ear ache, sore shoulder and sore ribs. That and these beds at the holiday house are rubbish! Not yet back on a exercise schedule, but been doing a lot more walking at the beach and stuff than I would have had in a normal working day.
Weigh-in was pretty cool at a new group near where we are holidaying. Everyone was very friendly and was nice to hear some advice and tips from new people.

Simplest Survival Goals for this week:
1. Make it through this holiday with my new found healthy eating lifestyle in tact! So far so good!
2. As close to 100% Optimised eating as possible this week! It's a real challenge with all the chips, cakes, cookies, fast food, white rolls and ice creams being consumed by the rest of hte family! (No ICE-CREAMS!)
3. Make sure each days activity involves a decent amount of walking

3/4 days holiday down, 4/5 days left. So far so good. Don't see why I need to change the way it's going. Every time I buy the family Ice creams I actually feel empowered and stronger knowing I have chosen NOT to spend my Syns on junk!
I am changing groups next week from the Monday night group to a new Thursday night group that some church friends attend. It will be better suited to work and family. So 9 days till next weigh-in. I'm hoping to at least have a small 1 or 2 lbs loss, but another 6 would be great to get me to 7 Stone, and 50% of the way to target! :D Wish me luck!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Weigh-In Week 23

This day was always going to arrive. 2 lbs (0.91 kg) Gain! Very dissapointed, but it was unrealistic to think I was going to go all the way to 14 stone (90 kg) without a gain along the way.

No Awards this week! :(
That brings the total to 5 stone 13 lb (83 lbs / 37.65 kg).
Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 23 stone 0 pounds (322 lbs / 146.06 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Should reach this by 18/08/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/02/2013)
The losses have gone as follows:
Week 1: 4.5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 2: 3 lbs (1.14 kg)
Week 3: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 4: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 5: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 6: 2 lbs (0.9 kg)
Week 7: 2 lbs (0.91 kg)
Week 8: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 9: Maintain
Week 10: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 11: 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Week 12: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 13: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 14: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 15: Maintain
Week 16: 8 lbs (3.63 kg)
Week 17: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 18: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 19: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg)
Week 20: Maintain
Week 21: 4.5 lbs (2.04 kg)
Week 22: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 23: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN

Ok, so I had a gain ..... I'm pretty dissapointed, but everyone warned this would eventually happen, and I'm just glad it happened when i know of a couple things I can put the blame on. So here are my "Weak excuses" :P
1. Tuesday I went to London for some late night work which meant I was busy and awake and ended up having 4 meals that day. One of them though, the 4th meal is excuse no 2, which is pretty bad! :(
2. KFC chicken on my way out of London. I completely miss judged how much dinner to take with me, and really should have had somethign to eat before leaving. Either way it left me hungry after the work on my way out at 1:30am with not many options. Instead of trying to find a 24hr supermarket and find some fruit or something healthy, I tookt he easy unhealthy option and bought KFC. My only saving grace was just eating the chicken. No Fiillet burger and no fries.

3. Wrecked sleeping patterns form the late night work on Tuesday. I find getting a good nights sleep helps my weightloss. Tuesday night I got 3 hours in the driver seat of my car at the service. I don't knwo why I didnt sleep when i got seemed like a good idea to just work as long in the day as I could, then have a nap and get back to a usual sleep cycle. Instead I worked all day, then crashed in bed at 17:30, then awake at about 22:30 then back to sleep at 03:00. For most of the rest of the week I only got about 5 hours sleep a night. I'm eventually getting back to a healthy 7 or 8 hours a night in the last 3 days.
4. For most of last week i didn't use my compression socks and the dodgy left leg with all the problems was fairly swollen come Sunday. Only Today is it getting back to normal size. I imagine the swelling adds weight?
5. Most of you will not only know by now, but have taken the oppertunity to mock me about my incident with the tree......for those who have missed the oppertunity ..... On Saturday morning I set out on my Long Distance cycle. Aiming for a nice 40 km trip, thinking I might try get all the way around Nottingham. about 27 km in and ironically less than a mile from the Hospital, I had taken a short cut across the front of a traffic circle instead of going all the way around, and was attempting to at pace cross the relatively quiet road to be on the left hand side of the road again. Ahead was clear, and I started drifting toward the middle, while looking behind me to check for cars. Unfortunately there was a car, and I turned back toward the pavement, unfortunately between steering and my head turning back, I over steered, heading with a bit too directly toward the pavement. While I could have easily lifted my front wheel onto the pavement and carried on going, unfortunately at this particular point, Nottingham City Council had decided it was a good place to plant a tree.....about 50 years ago, so, unable to steer to avoid it, I went crashing into this massive tree shoulder first! I didn't lose conciousness, but I was stunned and in serious pain. I ended up getting taken to the hospital in an abulance that a passer by called for X-Rays and a check up. Luckily I managed to come out of it with no broken bones and only minor injuries: Bump on my head (luckily I wear a helmet, but that was trashed and has since been binned), Bashed up shoulder (no ligaments torn by the looks of it), Bashed up thigh, a nice big open wound on my ankle, and scratches on my arm and leg, and lightly bashed ribs. So the excuse is that my Shoulder, leg and ribs are a bit swollen and I'm sure that adds some weight. ;) Please be sure you mock me on Facebook. Everyone else has! :)

So weak as they may be, I am sticking with those excuses. However, This hasn't demotivated me, and I am still focused and motivated to keep working toward 14 stone (90 kg). Also, my parents raised me well....I've fallen off, trust me I WILL be back on the Bike! :)

Goals for this week:
1. 100% Optimised eating this week! (No KFC!)
2. Super-Speed as much as I can! (Loving the Melon and Lemon!)
3. Still reduced, but regular and reasonable portions of carbs. (This has become easy and regular for me to manage now.)
4. No Cycling this week because of the shoulder, but will be walking 3 days this week at least. Went for a walk this morning and the leg was fine, but my back and shoulder (from my tree incident) were bothering me a little, but not enough to stop me from walking!

We going on our week holiday to Devon on Saturday, and while most Slimmers take their holidays off from slimming, I will be trying to continue to food optimise 100% and fit some holiday treats into my Daily/Weekly Syn allowance. I have even found 2 Slimming World Groups in Bideford Bay that I can go weigh in at on Tuesday.

We go away for a week to a different holiday resort every year. And every year I am too overweight and unfit to join in ALL the activities. While I am still very over-weight, I am at least 5 or 6 stone lighter than the last 6 - 8 years, and with all the exercise I have been getitng up to, I'm fit enough to join in on ALL the activities this year! :) For possibly the first time, I intend to have Happy Holidays! :)

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Weigh-In Week 22

A dissapointing 1.5 lb this week. I was hoping for a lot more. The middle of the week i had lost about 3 kg, but it all came back on the weekend with some swelling in my leg. Hopefully next week is a lot better!

Awards this week:

6 Stone Award! After receiving it, I sat with it in my hand and couldn't beleive I've lost 6 STONE! :S
 That brings the total to 6 stone 1 lb (85 lbs / 38.56 kg).
Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 22 stone 12 pounds (320 lbs / 145.15 kg)
1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Should reach this by 18/08/2011)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/02/2013)
The losses have gone as follows:
Week 1: 4.5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 2: 3 lbs (1.14 kg)
Week 3: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 4: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 5: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 6: 2 lbs (0.9 kg)
Week 7: 2 lbs (0.91 kg)
Week 8: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 9: Maintain
Week 10: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Week 11: 7 lbs (3.2 kg)
Week 12: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 13: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 14: 5.5 lbs (2.49 kg)
Week 15: Maintain
Week 16: 8 lbs (3.63 kg)
Week 17: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 18: 4 lbs (1.81 kg)
Week 19: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg)
Week 20: Maintain
Week 21: 4.5 lbs (2.04 kg)
Week 22: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)

Discovered I can cycle a decent distance this week and that I really enjoy it! That has saved me from the lazy depressed state I was getting into. Leg is also improving. The anti-inflamitories I'm on are great! So I should have my exercise back on track full this week throught he aid of cycling.

Goals for this week:
1. 100% Optimised eating this week!
2. Super-Speed as much as I can!
3. Still reduced, but regular and reasonable portions of carbs.
4. Need to introduce some walking back into the regime. Slowly but surely, testing the distances I can go, and the legs reaction to the increased impact again.

It was a great feeling hitting the 6 stone mark this week. I had a mini emotional confused excited moment as I sat with the certificate in my arms. I nearly jumped and shouting YEAH BABY! int he middle of the class as realisation sawned on just how much weight I have lost! There is something about that 6 stone certificate that was like a light going on illuminating the extent of what I have accomplished! :D HAPPY HAPPY!

Sunday 3 July 2011


I have lived the last 15 - 20 years of my Fattening up life either skipping breakfast, or using it as an excuse to have a MASSIVE fatty Fry up (4 slices of toast, Bacon, eggs, beans, tomatos, onions, mushrooms all fried in lavish amounts of oil). When I skip breakfast I would normally have usual Lunch and Dinner and then be hungry again at about 10pm or midnight, and eat my 3rd meal of the day then....just before bed!

Since joining Slimming world, I start every morning with a Hi-Fi Bar, then exercise, then 99% of the time I have Melon, Banana and 1 other fruit which varies between: Mango, Pinapple, Orange, Cherries, Plum, Peach or Grapes. Topped with a Fat Free Activia Flavoured Yogurt. Very rarely I make a SW Fry Up (Beans, lean bacon, fried/boiled eggs, tomato and Oinion and maybe some mushrooms, all fried in frylight).

I beleive this has been 1 of the secrets of my success so far for a number of reasons:
1. The Hi-Fi bar gives me some carbs which wake my metabolism up and get it started for the day. This was something the NHS Nutritionist suggested to me and has been working very well. Small carb portions at each meal rather than no carbs, as it's carbs that fuel you metabolism.
2. Fruit fills me, tastes great and keeps me going till Lunch.
3. Eating early, somehow, stops me from eating late! I don't get hungry at 10 pm or midnight anymore. I can't explain it, maybe someone who understands more about the body (or is it the mind? :P) and nutrition can.

So Breakfast truely is the MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY!
Never forget it!
Never underestimate it!
And, have a good one to set the pace for your day!