Thursday 22 December 2011

Weigh-In Week 46

This week no Surprise I had a 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN! :(

No Awards this week. (obviously! :P)

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 18 stone 1.5 pounds (253.5 lbs / 114.99 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)

2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (Achieved this 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 31/01/2012 - 1 year exactly)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 42: Maintain
Week 43: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 44: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 45: Maintain
Week 46: 2 lbs (0.91 kg) GAIN

It was totally expected. Karen and I went away for the weekend to Scarborough, and I gave myself the weekend off. I didn't feel all that great for it, but it was nice to have a nice relaxed care free "I'll just eat whatever is going" attitude. So to be fair, I'm actually quite impressed it was only 2 lbs (0.91 kg) on! On the up side though, tonight I did manage to break the 30 minute mark in my 5km run! For the first time it actually felt like a RUN! Sooooo happy with that! :)

I have no great expectations of the next week either, though at least most of the meals will still be on plan. Saturday is a day out with the kids at a Christmas "theme park?" and have no idea what to expect for lunch, and not goign to bother trying to take something with us. Sunday will be a fairly healthy Christmas lunch though I expect the roasted meat portions will be out of hand, and I will indulge in some puddings. But "It's Christmas"! :P Rest of the week I'm on holiday, and if I flexisyn Saturday and Sunday right, and use good portions of the "free time" when not playing with the kids to Run and cycle, I should be able to keep the week fairly good and hoping for a small loss if possible.

Positives and Negatives of the week:
+ I had a great weekend away with my wife to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary! :)
+ Breaking the 30 minute mark on my 5km run was a massive positive!
- Sad I gained, but it was expected, and I will lose it again!

Goals for this week:
1) Have a great Christmas with the family
2) Food Optimise All meals posible this week
3) Use some of my "free time" to get some extra running and cycling in! ;)

It sounds a crazy goal to set to lose weight on the Christmas week, but Saturday out is a bigger threat than a reasonably healthy Christmas Lunch. And with all the extra time while not working to burn some extra calories I don't see why a small loss is not possible! :) Would still be good to get to 11 stone this month! So 2.5 lbs (1.13 kg) is my ambitious target! :)

Thursday 15 December 2011

Weigh-In Week 45

Unbelievably I Maintained this week! :D

No Awards this week.

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 17 stone 13.5 pounds (251.5 lbs / 114.08 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)

2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (Achieved this 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 31/01/2012 - 1 year exactly)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 42: Maintain
Week 43: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 44: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)
Week 45: Maintain

I know it's not great to maintain when I'm trying to lose weight....but with a Christmas party, A Chicken burger driving home, a birthday meal out and an Anniversary meal out, I was very happy to not put weight on this week. I seriously was expecting a gain and right up till getting on the scales tonight! There was a brief moment on Tuesday when i was down about 1 lbs (0.45 kg) and I was considering postponing our anniversary meal till something on the weekend while we were away. But yesterday afternoon I suddenly though, WHY? It's our 15 year anniversary, I'm fitter, thinner and healthier than i was 15 years ago.....1 meal out to celebrate with Karen is SO much more important than what the scales will say tonight! So I'm glad we went out and enjoyed it. Especially since it didnt even cost me a GAIN! :D

Positives and Negatives:
+ Stepped up the running a little this week. Will slowly ramp it up to 6 days a week and fall into a training schedule for my Half Marathon in May!
+ Massively happy about not putting anything on this week!
+ Feeling really good about basically everything at the moment!

Goals for this week:
1) Lose 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg) to get my 11 Stone (154 lbs / 69.85 kg) Award
2) Make as many good choices eating out all weekend in Scarborough.
3) Get 100% back on track as of Monday!

My only "problem" this week is Karen and I's weekend away. It will all be hotel/resturant food, though Breakfasts wil probably mostly be Fruit and Yogurt I think...I'll be sneaking my hifi bars along for the trip too to get that metabolism fired up first thing in the morning! I've targeted that 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg) to get my 11 stone (154 lbs / 69.85 kg) award again this week after failing to get it last week, but will again be happy with a maintain considerig the weekend plans.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Definition of Success

Something that has been rattling around in my brain the last 2 days is:
"Success is not achieving a more than others expected of you, it is achieving the goal you set, no matter the duration, length or pain it took to cross finish line!"
I don't think I have read that anywhere. I think it's all me. :P And I know it sounds "Over the top", but I guess that's all me too! :P

Some of you may not know that the weekend before last I attempted for the first time to circumnavigate the outskirts of Nottingham, and it was all going well, but somewhere around 70 km or so, I started getting uncomfortable. My butt was sore, I had lost the feeling in my feet (due to the cold) about an hour earlier. My muscles were starting to ache. I had no energy left. I'd finished all my bananas, energy bar and drinks, and at this point my entire body was starting to get super cold!

In that weak state I convinced myself that I COULDN'T finish. At 75 km I gave up and called Karen who didn't answer! So I pushed on to see how much further I could go, but after another 2 km I quit for good and walked into the Pub nearby, ordered a hot drink and sat on the chair at the table feeling sorry for myself! I posted my dissapointment on Facebook and text my Paul, knowing he would be honest and tell me what I knew I should be telling myself: "I was WEAK and a QUITTER!", but didn't get a text back (out of dissapointment?). Eventually Karen returned my call and came to pick me up. It was a massive low point for this year! My mood was bolstered by friends posting how impressed they were by my achievement. How they couldn't have gone that far. How impressed they were and how proud I should be for how far I have come and that 77 km was nothing to be ashamed of.

It worked. It made me feel better....but only for a short time. Eventually I had to face the fact, that I set myself a goal. I felt good about it, and figured if I just went at it, I could finish it. But I let weakness and doubt creap in when literally "The Elements were against me" and I failed! No matter how impressive how far I had come was, I had NOT crossed the finish line and for the rest of the week, daily, I reminded myself of that. I knew I wasn't ready to attempt it again this weekend, and I know I can't do it the next 2 weekends because of things we have on, but I WILL attempt it again, SOON, and this time.....I WONT QUIT! No matter the weather, no matter how I feel, dealing with failing again is NOT an option!

Determination has seen me lose almost 11 stone in 10 months. Determination has seen me evolve from a fat guy who couldn't walk a 1.2 km round trip to take his kids to school, to currently running 7 or 8 km in a session and cycling now a record distance of 77 km. Determination WILL see me circumnavigate the outskirts of Nottingham! Or I will die trying! :P

Thursday 8 December 2011

Weigh-In Week 44

A very nice 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg) Loss this week! :D

No Awards this week.

Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 17 stone 13.5 pounds (251.5 lbs / 114.08 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (Achieved this 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 31/01/2012 - 1 year exactly)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 42: Maintain
Week 43: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)
Week 44: 1.5 lbs (0.68 kg)

It's been a fairly good week. Normally after a big loss like last week, I struggle to lose or gain. Also my weight tends to spike on the weekend after and it becomes a struggle to drop back down. This week however my weight has stayed pretty much the same level most of the week. Then 2 days ago I suddenly dropped a few pounds.
Last night I woke up with a cold meaning I had a bad nights sleep (not good for weightloss), carrying more water (not good for weightloss), reduced exercise, nearly did NONE (obviously not good for my weightloss) and just generally feeling a bit down about it all (also not good for the weightloss).
But when i got on the scales I was happy to see a loss, then unhappy to see I was 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg) short of getting my 11 stone (154 lbs / 69.85 kg) Award, then happy when I realised I was below 18 stone (Running weight / 252 lbs / 114.31 kg)!

Positives and Negatives:
+ Under Running weight (18 stone / 252 lbs / 114.31 kg)
+ Back to back losses, which are rare these days
- Sick means exercise needs to slow down for a bit

Goals for this week:
1) Lose 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg) to get my 11 Stone (154 lbs / 69.85 kg) Award
2) 100% Food Optimising
3) Carry on with 2/3 Super Free Foods meals
4) Keep eating lots of Super Speeds. (Beans, Fish, Lemon, Melon, Berries)

This week is going to be a little bit of a problem....Christmas party tomorrow, at least I don't drink, but the meal is hardly Slimming World. Saturday night is a Birthday meal out, Wednesday night is Karen and I's Wedding Anniversary. It will be tough, but with any luck I can lose the 1 lbs (0.45 kg) I have targeted!

Thursday 1 December 2011

Weigh-In Week 43

A very nice 6 lbs (2.72 kg) Loss this week! :D

Award this week:

10.5 Stone (147 lbs / 66.67kg) Award! This took a long time to get!

Slimmer of the Week. First 1 for a while.
Started at 28 stone 13 pounds (405 lbs / 183.71 kg)
Currently 18 stone 1 pounds (253 lbs / 114.76 kg)

1st Short Term Target 26 stone (364 lbs / 165.11 kg) (Achieved this 18/04/2011)
2nd Short Term Target 22 stone (308 lbs / 139.71 kg) (Achieved this 04/08/2011)
3rd Short Term Target 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) (hope to reach this by 08/12/2011)
4th Short Term Target 16 stone (224 lbs / 101.6 kg) (hope to reach this by 31/01/2012 - 1 year exactly)
Long Term Target 14 stone (196 lbs / 88.9 kg) (hope to reach this by 01/04/2012)
The losses have gone as follows:
Feb11 (4wks): 17.50 lbs (7.94 kg)
Mar11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
Apr11 (4wks): 15.50 lbs (7.03 kg)
May11 (5wks): 18.00 lbs (8.16 kg)
Jun11 (4wks): 17.00 lbs (7.71 kg)
Jul11 (4wks): 10.00 lbs (4.54 kg)
Aug11 (4wks): 19.00 lbs (8.62 kg)
Sept11 (5wks): 14.00 lbs (6.35 kg)
Week 35: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg) GAIN
Week 36: 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Week 37: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 38: 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg)
Week 39: 9 lbs (4.08 kg)
Week 40: 1 lbs (0.45 kg) GAIN
Week 41: 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
Week 42: Maintain
Week 43: 6 lbs (2.72 kg)

It was a terrible weekend. I did no exercise Saturday as I had hurt my leg and needed to rest it. With that came the munchies. Someone was trying to sabbotage my weightloss with a open tin of Quality Street Sweets! I never pigged out, but had a good 2 or 3 almost every day on top of other Syns! It may have been a bit of comfort eating due to not losing anything last week and the injured leg. Monday I was still hovering around 120 kg (264.5 lbs) which was up from weigh in on Thursday and I thought I was facing a gain this week!
But I had a SMS chat with my awesome consultant who some how seems to know just when i need a "How you doing?" SMS! (Thank you Jeanette!) It sparked a attitude change, and we dicussed some things I could try like 2/3 of my plate Super Free. But I also knew I needed to snap out of the "wallowing in self pity" and needed to get my butt in gear again and focus!
I think the attitude change frightened my body because when i got ont he scale Tuesday morning after my exercise.....BANG! 114.9kg (253 lbs)! EXCELLENT! Lowest weight yet and eventually I had dropped below 116.8, my previous lowest. But some how in 24 hours I had shifted 5kg (11 lbs)! :o If anyone knows how this happens, please explain it to me! Needless to say I have been super motivated and focused all week. I stuck with the 2/3 of my meal being Super Frees and Tried to have Fish most nights, and if possible for lunch. Although I didn't really manage to shift any more since Tuesday Morning, I'm happy with the result, and buzzing with motivation again! It always feels good to have a good loss!

Positives and Negatives:
+ Under 115 kg! Awesome!
+ Lost more than 150 lbs!
- Missed my short term target of being 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) by 01/12/2011. :( But at least it was only by 1 lbs (0.45 kg)! ;)

Goals for this week:
1) 100% Food Optimising
2) 2/3 Super Free Foods
3) Try incorporate more Super Speeds than normal. (Beans, Fish, Lemon, Melon, Berries)

This week it's all about the 2 lbs (0.91 kg) club! Seems everyone wants to lose 2 lbs (0.91 kg) this week.... ? For me though its the 2 lbs (0.91 kg) that will get me below 18 stone (252 lbs / 114.31 kg) and get my 11 stone (154 lbs / 69.85kg) award! :D Come on Duane...You can do it!