Tuesday 22 February 2011

Confused, frustrated and unsure what to do!!

Today I have suffered a blow, which seems to have had a massive detrimental effect on my motivation, confidence and desire to shed this weight.

As part of my doctor's plans to help me lose weight and fix my leg, the third step was to go see a National Health dietician. So I went off to the appointment this afternoon confident the dietician was going to re-afirm that slimming world was great and my weight losses have been impressive, and that I must stick at it, and all is going to be well in the end. In stead I was told the following in order of severity:

1. I'm losing weight to fast and if I don't slow down, it will not be sustainable, will grind to a halt, I'll get demotivated, change my eating back to "normal" and put it all back again plus more.
2. I'm not eating enough carbs in the morning and should have carbs with every meal, including breakfast. Even consider eating another portion of bread?!?!
3. I'm eating too much fruit, which is my current fav breakfast and "go to snack" when hungry between meals.
4. Need to eat less proteins in general, especially eggs.
5. Need to have smaller portions at my evening meal and no carbs after 8pm.


1. I can sort of understand what's being said, but I'm desperate to lose now cause a) I want to get home and b) I want to lose enough so I can start some kind of sport. Sport is such a fun way to exercise. Swimming and gym are no fun to me! --- Also, I'm really enjoying how I'm eating now. It's easy, tasty and satisfying. Trying to slow it, means eating more or differently, which could end up being hard to balance between losing and gaining. What I'm doing now is working.
2. I don't do milk = I don't do cereal, so morning carbs kind need to be bread, or what? Rice? Pasta? Potato? .. Hash browns maybe? :p another portion of bread? I have only just weened myself off that evil stuff, now I need to go back on it?
3. I have just managed to get over my previous go to snacks, bread, crisps, chocolate. Fruit breakfast was so nice to get used to, now I find out it's wrong! I manage to make it through the day without being hungry, by eating fruit when I am hungry...now?
4. Eggs is the only thing I really eat too much of, but I can probably easily reduce that.
5. I rely on my decent size evening meal at 7pm to get me through the night to my usual bed times of 1, 2 or 3am, with minimal snacking after 10pm or 11pm.

What to do, where to find a middle ground, who is best to follow, slimming world who got me eating what I'm eating when I'm eating, or the dietician?

Sigh!!! Help!


  1. I think there are varying viewpoints about whether or not you can lose weight too quickly. From what I've read, you can't lose it too quickly, as ling as you're giving your body the nutrients it needs. Try www.webmd.com, its pretty reliable. I would say that not eating carbs after 8 will help, it helped my brother lose a lot of weight. Carrots and celery are probably good snacks for late at night, I think.

  2. I think that what they mean about losing the weight quickly is this: if you see the diet as a chore & you lose the weight quickly you may think that you have reached your goal weight and can FINALLY eat what you want again. This is where a lot of diets fall down that are difficult, unrealistic & horrible: like the cabbage soup diet. This is also why you need to have Syns or you will go crazy not being able to eat what you want every now & then. You need to make the diet actually change the way you eat permanently or it won't work.
    Once you have lost some more weight doing exercise is really good - I used to go to the gym every day & could eat whatever I wanted to & didn't put any weight on!
    I think what they mean about too much fruit, is that eating too much of anything is unhealthy. The sugars in the fruit can cause tooth decay & it can end up being fattening. Bananas used to have high points in weight watchers because of the sugars. Doesn't too much fruit lead to stomach problems too?
    Maybe swop some of the fruit for veg?
    The cereal bars are good - I eat them each morning as I don't drink milk so it gives me some calcium. You can also get quite healthy ones too.
    Anyway, congrats on the weight loss! Ricki lost 5 & half lbs after 2 weeks of Weight Watchers & I have lost 2 & half. :-)

  3. Well done to you guys too then! :)

    I'm not finding this diet a chore at all. On the contrary, the food is great! Some of it tastes different to how it would taste if prepared with fat or fatty ingredients, but a lot of it tastes great!

    I think my concern 2 days ago came fromt eh fact that I had made this eating change, was happy with it, was enjoying it, then got told it was wrong and that I should be doing it a way I DIDN'T want to do it and that I felt I was going to have trouble with. A way I would have to stop at some point, and return to "normal" eating. This way of eating I am happy with and could do for the rest of my life. No problem! I'm not missing the things I'm not eating at the moment. Bread I'm done with. Feel no need to eat it and try avoid it if I can. I'm not fussed with fats. the only thing I miss is crisps. But I'm coping ignoring it at the moment. :P

    I eat 2 or 3 pieces of fruit for breakfast. Sometimes 2 later morning, 2 later afternoon, and 2 or 3 late at night. The late morning, afternoona nd night fruits are the times I would have normally eaten Crisps or bread between meals. On a bad day its about 10 pieces of fruit. On a good day its about 6. A lot of it is apples, orange pears and plums. Normally no more than 1 or 2 bananas and some melon with breakfast.

    I've already started swimming 2 to 3 times a week. Once I have lost some more Ill start walking and get to Gym, but the long term plan is I would like to get involved in some sort of sport. Something more fun then swimming, walking and Gym. Something that makes me want to do it, not because I need to lose weight or need to get fit, but because I want to and enjoy doing it. Walking swimming and gym, is not that for me. :( But I am motivated enough to push myself to do then now, while sport is not really an option.
