Tuesday 15 February 2011

Enough is enough!

I'm done with this fat thing! I've started showing signs of blood circulation problems in my legs, which has stopped me being able to fly, and I am dieing to go home and see my dad this year, so Enough is enough!

So the Doctor has firstly referred me to the nurse who has already given me compression sock things that are squeezing the living day lights out of my legs in an effort to get the blood circulating properly.

Secondly she has reffered me to a Dietitian, first appointment next week.

Thirdly referred me to Slimming World, which I started on 31/01/2011 and at my first weigh in (07/02/2011) I had lost 4.5lbs, which was good, althoguh less than expected, and less than I have lost on some hard core diets in the past!

But they always say, "To keep it off, you need to change the WAY you eat, and lose slowly!" Slowly is okay, but I have a serious need to get on a plane and get to South Africa! So...it better speed up a little at least!

Anyway, my Slimming World weigh in days are Monday Nights at 17:30. So last night (14/02/2011) I went to weigh in, and although I really wasn't sure what my weight would do, I was seriously hoping that I had done enough last week to lose a good half a stone (7lbs) at least. In my disappointment at only losing 3lbs I sat there brooding...
thinking where am I going wrong?
Is it worth it at this pace?
Will I stay focused at this pace to see this through not only to my target weight, but to any of the interim targets along the way?

Anyway, as I sat there questioning myself, my motivation, my reasosn for doing this, my expectations, and more, I suddenly thought, Maybe I need to make my plans and results and even my food diaries more public. So All my friends work colleagues and Family can see what Im doing, and hopefully that pressure of being so public about it will HELP keep me Honest, Strict and Motivated! Thats how I ended up here on this blog, explaining myself and sharing my journey ahead with you all.

Well I will make some more posts as I go along explaining a little more about the Slimming World concept, and details of how I am sticking to it, but for now, I will just tell you I am taking it very serious, and have stuck to it pretty well since starting, so I really am disappointed to see how slowly the weight is coming off. Especially seeing as some people on slimming world are reporting 12, 15 and 17lbs a week. (Not in my group, but somewhere int he UK)

Everything you eat that is not free or over your normal Healthy Extra's count as Syns, and I have only once gone over my limit on Syns in 14 days. At least half the other days have been less than 50% of the max Syns I could have a day. And I have been very good at recording what gets eaten....so surely i should be losing quciker?

Anyway, Whatever happens it will be here on the internet for all to read and comment on. Hopefully this blog will have a happy ending and you will all enjoy the journey with me.



  1. duane... i admire you! well done! on embarking on this journey and for being so brave to share it all with us! you have ALL my support and good wishes... i have been there so many times with my weight and have done every diet in the whole world... including slimming world.... with exactly the same results as you... bloody slow! but hang in there and keep going... remember all the super speed fruits like strawbs and blueberries etc...up your metabolism... so hopefully it will burn itself away!
    i look forward to further blogs!
    Love Heidi xxxx

  2. Congratulations on taking the first step! Me & Ricki are doing Weight Watchers at the moment. I had a look at Slimming World & my friends do it, but to be honest I couldn't grasp the fact that you can eat as much pasta etc as you want & that is still classed as a diet?! My friend put on weight doing that diet although she stuck to it so she's doing Weight Watchers with me too. I know that you have just started out on the Slimming World but if it doesn't work for you have a look at doing the Weight Watchers one as that has worked for me in the past.
    A brilliant way of also helping the diet is by doing exercise. Even if at first it's not much exercise & then building up what you do. This also helps tone the skin as you lose the weight or you will end up with lose skin & lots of stretch marks - which are almost impossible to lose!
    Good luck with it & I really hope you find a diet that works for you!
    Rosie :-)
