Tuesday 19 April 2011

Terrible walk! :(

So I started off with a 100m jog to get the heart rate up to 120 bpm. Not too bad, looking good.

Walked 2.1km at about 11:20 min/km. Didn't check my HR, but it had dropped down again considerably. Was feeling ok, except my right heal felt like it was starting to blister on the other side that wasn't taped up now.

Second jog for 100m to get the HR up again, 168 bpm! Oh dear. Before starting Steve warned me to stop the running if it went over 150 bpm. :(

I stopped to message Steve my HR,  and just after clicking send, my battery died.

Then I became aware that my heal was starting to sting! So I pulled the sock back a bit to find the blister had already burst and ripped all the skin up. Now the Show was shoving the hard heal support into the raw skin with every step I took.

I packed it in! As I was walking home the heal got worse, so I literally had to slow down to like a 15 min / km STROLL!

Check list for tomorrow:
2. Tape up my whole heal!
3. Go buy some Synthetic Socks!
4. No jogging :(


  1. 1) Yes, charge iPhone... but it didn't effect the walk. ;)
    2) Tape is good - get some real south african feet!
    3) Yes
    4) You weren't gonna jog anyway! ;) Only Thursday again.

  2. Never mind about the bad walk today - you had the most amazing loss this week - Maybe you should send Karen away more often LOL
    Well done :)
