Wednesday 2 March 2011

Bring on the exercise!

The exercise is going great. Swimming is getting more productive. Tonight I swam for an hour again and today was able to do 40 lengths alternating between crawl and breaststroke. I'm feeling great after too. Also keeping moving in the water during the breaks, either stretching, kicking or swimming on the spot.

On Steve Elliot's instructions (it's an order, I dare not say no! :p ), I have also started walking every day. It's a little weird since I'm only allowed to walk 200 meters a day. Obviously this is additional to any other walking I do, but the idea behind the short distance is that I will be easing my ligaments, joints, muscles, bones and back into the exercise. In the past, this much over weight, if I have tried to walk hard, fast and far, I have always ended up hurting 1 of these things. So even though it's only short distances, it's about getting it all ready for some better more productive cardio working exercise.

As part of this, and once again on Steve's instructions :p, I have downloaded a iPhone app: RunKeeper, and take my phone walking with me. Via GPS, it tracks how far I walk, how fast I walk, what heights I walk, how long I walk for, the calories I burn, and tracks where I walk on a map. Then posts it a website for all to see. I can share it on facebook and twitter, but I am going to try find a way to integrate it to this blog when I get some time.

Here is a link to the site if anyone is interested in seeing my progress so far, or is interested in using the app themselves:

One day I'll be back on a volleyball court!!!

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